Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Preggo brain random thoughts

So, this may get a little choppy. I have lots on my mind. First of all let's start with the little man in my life (not Derrick, the other one)

Poor Dex is all sorts of off schedule because of my tiredness. I have been really tired the last two weeks, and I thought it was time to have Dex not nap anymore because he was getting up in the middle of the night a few times, and I figured maybe he wasn't tired....soooooooooo I let him skip his naps so he wouldn't get outta bed. Well, it's ok sometimes, but then I am whipped, and want to sleep, so sometimes I end up putting him down to nap super late, and then he is up till 10pm or later...just because I couldn't get him to nap earlier, because I also like to sleep in still until 9am.  Sooo, it's probably time to start getting us up at 8am and then having him back on  a nap's such a pros and cons sorta thing...For 1.) it's nice when he naps earlier and he feels good and things go well etc...but 2.) Sometimes it sucks because we are stuck at home when he naps, and it's hard to coincide with doing things because you have to get home for him to nap, or you can't have a play date because your friends kid naps at a different with no naps, it's sorta fun to be free for the day.

Anyway...i just wanna sleep in the daytime which is not really possible...At least when school gets out my little babysitter can come over! YIPPEE! Basically, the lack of my napping, or Dex napping, leads to both of us being irritable, so I will probably get us up early tomorrow. (crossing fingers I can get outta bed, and that Dex won't hate me for waking him...that is another I went to get him outta bed at 9am, and he told me to leave and close the door...GROUCH FEST in the morning...just like Daddy ;-)

As for Dexters eating. DO NOT GET ME STARTED. This sore subject alone leaves me aggravated for the whole day. Throwing out food is just normal at our house now. It's great. It's like our new favorite hobby. (note the sarcasm)

Me: Here's a banana
Dex: Yummy nana

The next day, me: Here's a banana
Dex: No like that one. (then spits out into my hand)

REALLY?! It's like that with every meal. Just when he likes something, whether it be a new sandwich with ham or turkey, or hotdogs, or spaghetti, or whatever....he decides he's gonna spit it out and be all dramatic about it. FRUSTRATING. K, enough about that. Don't bother trying to give me advice on this subject. He's beyond help right now. If he so much doesn't like the color of something he won't eat it. He is so particular he goes as far as only wanting certain colored sippy cups. Another annoying subject, especially if the one he wants is already dirty or in the dishwasher.....Can you sense that I am irritable?

Moving on. The pregnancy. 22 Weeks. Things are still moving along. Still not very strong movement from my little girl, she must be very petite. I do feel her but it's just teeny pokes. I felt her on the outside of my belly twice now. I have to be in the right position on my side though. Two more weeks until I get past my mental safety zone!! It seems to be going by pretty fast, at least I think so. I can't wait to get to 24 weeks. It's when I celebrate. BIG milestone.
Unreal. I just looked up the date and it would be April 16th..Ummm that is pretty freaky...That was Coras due date. EXACT due date. SO weird. I don't know what to think about this. I will take it as an amazingly awesome omen/crazy coincidence? K, i'm leaving on that note, and going to bed.

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