Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, April 29, 2012

26 weeks and counting!

Two weeks flew by. Now my little lady has a 80-90% chance of survival if anything were to happen. How weird is that? Things are going pretty darn well.

My body:  ~Heartburn is in full effect. I pop antacids like they are going outta style.
                 ~The top of my ribs feel like they are butting into my breast plate.
                  ~Boobs are so big they lay on my belly, I am getting used to the lake of sweat under them.  
                  ~Ligament pain is back in full affect. This is one of those things that I have pretty bad with pregnancy. One would think after all the stretching my body has done, that this wouldn't be as bad. People just don't understand. Nothing helps this but hot baths. Exercise for sure doesn't help. Just walking around the grocery store today had me in so much pain. I came home and took a three hour nap. Luckily Dex was tired, too. How can I describe the feeling to you?? Hmmm...well it feels like someone pulling a ton of rubber bands inward from the outer part of my belly, inward toward the center. Sorta like when you pull a muscle, times ten. The issue is that any time I need to use those muscles, it kills. For instance, bending. This is the not so good part of my day. Picking up toys off the floor, or putting Dex in highchair, or getting him in and outta car. I was told I wasn't even supposed to do these things, but HELLO! I have to. I can have Dex eat at his train table, but we are trying to keep the carpet nice in case he spills anything.
                 ~Hips- this is a great combo with the round ligament pain. Mix hip pain in with that. Worse yet the awkward feeling of your hips floating around in your body, since the ligaments all loosen. It feels like you are a 100 year old, and every time you move, you hear them crack and jiggle around, as well as the shooting pain. (ironically, this is not as bad at work..i think the standing and sitting throughout the day helps, and the fact I don't have to bend down to the floor for anything) At home I am constantly picking up after Dex, and changing diapers, etc. (he has surely gotten bored of the potty at the most inconvenient time) So, work is a thumbs up right now. The only issue there is just bending at shampoo bowl, that isn't too comfy. Luckily my gals are there to help ;-)
                   ~Food~ My appetite still is not huge like it was with Dex. This is so weird, because I was looking forward to eating a ton. I mean, I still love to eat, but it isn't like last time. Sadly not much to report in this arena. Booo...(oh, in case my staff calls me out, I did eat 6 custard donuts with chocolate frosting in two days...but that was because I didn't want them to go bad!) :-P
                     ~Braxton Hicks~ I still get these pretty regularly at night, but the doc eased my mind and just said that's just when my body contracts. They are a lot stronger this pregnancy, and it does take my breath away. They also come on with almost any emotion. If I get excited about something, scared, nervous, upset, angry, giggly, or whatever, it brings on a braxton hicks, so I try to be a robot sometimes, lol.
                       ~Sleeping~ I sleep pretty well, it's just turning and laying on my hips that is not fun. Gonna try the preggo pillow this week. (thanks Clare!)
                         ~Kicking~ Wrenly (btw I grin every time I say her name, so I will be calling her by her full name more-so.) She is so apparent now! Finally!! Only took like 25 weeks! I catch myself feeling in the best mood ever, every time I feel her kick around. I get all happy, giggly, inside. THE BEST PART of being pregnant.

Preggo Comments: I know this is all so cliche...but what the heck makes peoples views of how big you are vary so vastly from each other?! I have people shocked at how big I am, and then others shocked at how small I am. Which is it people? How about, durrrrrrrr, yeah, I have a human in me..I'm gonna look different. I don't feel as huge as I was with Dex. I haven't gained as much as I did with him so far. I think I am up around 16-17 pounds, with around 3 months left.

K, gnight!

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