Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Saturday, April 14, 2012

24 weeks in 2 days!

I know I am jumping the gun here, but I am too excited not to. Viability rates sky rocket as of Monday. While the odds are still low, it is nice to know that the baby is growing, and her lungs are slowly getting stronger as well. The chart below show what I am talking about:

at 23 weeks: 10-35% survival rate

at 24 weeks: 40-70% survival rate (so Yay!)

at 25 weeks: 50-80% survival rate(next goal!)

at 26 weeks: 80-90% survival rate(phew!)

at 27 weeks: greater than 90% survival rate (hu!ray!)

My pregnancy is still going smoothly. I have the same old stuff with the last two pregnancies. My hips always are an issue. When I sleep at night, laying on my side puts so much pressure on my hip bones that I can barely get up at night to go to the bathroom. It also takes a minute for me to get outta bed in the morning. The pain is super sharp/shooting/cracky. Once I get up and move around I feel a lot better. My hips sorta get normalized again. This will help explain why: 

The joint between your pelvis (the illium) & your spine (the sacrum) is called the sacroiliac joint(SIJ). Normally the rough, groove like connecting surfaces of the sacrum and ilium interlock and help stabilize the joint. However when you are pregnant the relaxin hormone loosens and widens the joints at the front and back of the pelvis (SIJ and pubic symphysis) which reduces their stability and changes the efficiency of the muscles which attach around that region. Essentially the joint itself is loose, the ligaments become lax, and the muscles which usually stabilize  the pelvis aren't able to work as efficiently. When you put all this together with the increased load on the baby you have an unstable pelvis which often causes pain.

So, the hip stuff only gets worse. Onto the next part of info that involves TMI. I figured since I already went up two cup sizes from Dex, and stayed at that size...that I wouldn't grow anymore up top. WRONG! Growing, growing! I'm going to have to get all new bras, AGAIN! I am literally spilling out of these things. Worst part is that since they are growing again, they won't stop ITCHING! I will be with clients and not realize I am scratching away at my boobs. I had a male client say, "Ya alright over there?" lol. I was like, "Sorry!!" 

Onto Wrenly. She seems like a cool little chick so far. She is quiet, not too energetic, and seems to like matza ball soup, and french onion soup.  I took one sip of these and she kicked me right away. I'm hoping that was a kick of approval, rather than the opposite. She seems to be awake a little bit in the day, but I do feel her more at night, or just notice her more at night. 

I don't have the appetite I did, like I did with Dexter. I can't seem to find things I really want, besides burger king ice-cream, or m&m flurries at Sundaes at the Cottage. Otherwise, this little gal is also a food snob and only wants to eat at fancy restaurants. Sanchez, and the Bistro, are her favorites.  

From her ultrasound pics, she looks smaller than Dexter did. She also looks a lot like Coras 3d pics.  Her room is already for her, and we can't wait to bring her home! Derrick has even been using her name a lot more when talking to people. He calls her by name ;-) He thinks the clothes are so funny because they are pretty much all pink at the moment. Of course. There is a little purple, and green in there too..... She has a wardrobe to last her for a year or more! So exciting that my girlfriend sent me boxes of baby clothes! 

I know my moms friends are eager to purchase gifts for this little one, but clothes are not needed at all! I put up a registry on buy buy baby in case people wanted to know what we would need. Just the basics! I through some fun stuff in, just in case people don't want to get the basics. lol. Diapers/bottles are just a must. I choose to formula feed, so we will need that when the time comes, too. It's just you never know what formula will work best. We had Dex on similac, and that worked great, until I saw there were less expensive brands! Arghh! By the time I figured that out, the doctor said it may be best not to switch. This time I am going to do my research and have it all ready at the hospital, so that I can cut the expense in half. I was able to go back to work after 3 weeks with Dexter, and anyone could feed him, so this worked great. Owning a business, you can't be away too long, even if your staff IS amazing. Not sure how much time I will take off with this one. I would say at least 4 weeks, assuming I won't need a C-section, and things go smoothly. 

I want to enjoy the summer, but I do sorta want it to go by a little quicker...I really want to meet this baby! :-) :-)

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