Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Breast feeding nazis. Not cool.

I am writing this post because a friend of mine read my blog the other day about how we choose to formula-feed. She was telling me that she was one of the only moms in her close circle of friends to choose to not breast feed, and had received such negative and hurtful comments. This just pissed me the heck off. Moms may choose whatever they wish for their own child. What gives YOU the right to tell them what they are doing is wrong? What gives YOU the right to tell another mom what YOU think they should feed their child? It's 2012, people. Formula is fine. I was not breast fed. My husband was not breast fed. Are you going to bash my mom, and mother-in-law? Neither of us have medical issues. I have seasonal allergies, my husband has none. What do you care what someone feeds a child that is not yours?(ESPECIALLY A FRIEND!? WHO IS YOUR FRIEND, AND YOU KNOW THEY ARE SMART OR THEY WOULDN'T BE YOUR FRIEND!) What gives you the right to think you are on some pedestal? Did you know that for whatever the choice, it is a private choice. It could be something a mother is upset she cannot do. Maybe the mother can not produce enough, and she feels horribly inept. Maybe she doesn't want to share that with the public. Maybe her baby couldn't latch, and it was terribly upsetting to see your child hungry. Maybe it's because a some women just don't feel comfortable with a baby on their boob. Maybe it's because they got a massive breast infection, and they don't want to endure anything near their breasts, again. For what ever the reason, who are YOU to judge her and make comments? Really?? I find this ridiculous. I say to you, you breast feeding nazis, "you may breast feed, but you are a horribly insensitive person to judge a friend who chooses to do the opposite of you". Shame on you.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself! For those of you who can/do breastfeed your babies, that is great! For those of you who can't/don't (me being one of them), you are ALSO great!

    Us mommies need to stick together. None of us have all the answers and, from my experience, lean on our friends for advice and support. Don't judge another mommy - even if you know the reasons why...just love and support her. We all need it, especially when things don't go the way we "planned". We all have times where we need to just get through the day/week or even there for your fellow matter what the issue is. Stop pretending you do it all perfect - none of us do...but we all do it the best way we can...and we have these great little people filled with love and joy no matter how they get fed when they are little!

    There is my rant! Thanks for posting Michelle!
