Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Monday, March 12, 2012

Could it be true?!

YES, it is true! A little girl!! I was praying for another little girl. It goes without saying that I would have loved a little boy, too, but this was a very emotional ride for me. It also goes without saying that we wanted a healthy baby, that is just a given. But when you get something taken away from you, don't you usually want it back? If you plan your life with having a little girl, bought all her furniture, clothes, etc...and had thoughts of your family with this little being....and then she was taken away in a blink of an eye, does that feeling ever leave? I can tell you that it doesn't. When I found out I was pregnant with Dex, I wanted a little boy because I was so scared I would have another girl taken away. I wanted a totally different experience/pregnancy. When I found out he was a boy I was relieved. Derrick was very upset. He still had those thoughts of having a daddys little girl. In a day he was just ecstatic at having a little boy, but it takes time for your mind to be ok. For this pregnancy , I was really hoping for a girl. I now knew that I could successfully give birth, and that things could be ok. I wanted that future we once thought about and planned for. I wanted to get the outfit out I bought for Cora, the only outfit I bought for her....and be able to use it. (It is a pink western theme, cuz I knew my buddy Renee in Texas would approve ;-) I just wanted to get my chance again. I was very naive my first pregnancy and could have listened to my body better, but I now know what signs to look for.

Today I had my cousin Erin come with me to the ultrasound. Derrick had to get back to work since we were in FL for a week, and Erin came to my ultrasound when I found out I was having a girl the first time. They were only supposed to check my cervical length at this appointment, but I tried to be real nice and quiet and let the tech do her job, and pray she would look at the baby as well. The tech knew from last time how much I wanted to see the baby, and Erin and I saw her looking at the bottom parts of the baby. Erin and I both were holding our breath to see if she would say anything. We both didn't see a penis between the legs....and out of the blue the tech randomly goes "it's a girl, you can clean up now" :-) She said it so fast and matter of fact, Erin and I both were kinda stunned for a minute, and then we both pretty much laughed/teared up. Completely in awe, and shock. It was awesome.

Sooo, here we are freakin out that it is a girl, and I gotta tell Derrick. First, my phone I thought was charged, was not. Second, the office got zero reception, so even Erins phone wasn't working. We still had to wait to talk to the doc, cuz that is protocol, and here we are in the room trying to look for a signal. Luckily one text went through to Derrick, so he knew right away! I couldn't tell anyone else till we left the building, but we were so excited to share it was just funny since we were stuck waiting. That is why it took so long friends!! LOL. I had to get ultrasound, then wait for the doc, then talk to the doc, then get out of the building, and out of the dang parking garage....then I had to charge my phone once I got home! Now you understand! LOL.

Onto baby Wren. We are not sure what will be on the birth certificate yet, but it might be Wrenly. Derrick was iffy on it, but he may still come around. Derricks mom told me the name Wren awhile ago, and I fell in love with it. I think she said it was from Footloose. Thanks Mom! Derrick is still pondering over a middle name, so we will wait and see.

Her room, as if you hadn't guessed already...BIRDS! Get it? Wren? Birds? hehe. Awesome.

Ok, now I am going to look for more stuff online...I prob won't purchase anything more yet for a zone. (who am i kidding? maybe a few things)

Thank you for all your love and support, and kind words!

1 comment:

  1. Such an exciting morning! We totally knew it was a girl all this time, but it was still like a shock when she announced it!
