Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My brain is mush!

I have been getting a chance to see my gal pals lately, but life has sure been busy! I have been wanting to see my buddy Laurie who is home, and we finally got the chance the other day. Even though it was a short visit, it was so nice to just say hi, and have the boys together. :)It's also been great seeing Elissa every week! We have been getting dessert martini's these days..YUM! Yesterday to top off everything, I got to see Ann and get some Yucca Yucca!!!!!! If you haven't tried some, you must. Dex was sort of a grumpy pants when she came over, which is new for him. I am seeing some 'tude coming through!
Hallelujah! Today I got to see Lauren, Karen, and Tom! They had their bunches of kids with them. We went to Grand Rapids Township park. I had never been there before. It was awesome. Dex was getting sleepy so on the way home so I figured he would pass out. Note to self-Don't forget to put the pacifier back there for him if he is going to pass out. He cried for five minutes then passed out until we got home. Then he got his pacifier. Eeeeek, learned my lesson.
On another note. My cousin Erin just found out she is having a BOY! Wesley Lucas!(Not sure if I spelled it correctly) but how exciting! She will be here in just a matter of days for a visit! I am hoping they will be super close!
Now to go start packing for our week at Silver Lake!


  1. ohhhhh, yucca is awesome. We go to this place Winchester, and u can get Yucca! You THINK it is huge french fries..but really it's a different type of vegetable that tastes BETTER than a fry! It's sooo goooood!!
