Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Sooo, Dex is trying to get over Croup. It sucks. He has not been himself for a week now! He started out having a low grade fever for two days, poor guy, then not really wanting to eat, to having a major seal-like cough. The cough seems almost gone now, and he was on steroids for three days..but he still is a little plugged up and not really on his normal schedule.
I think he may have gotten me sick, but I am not sure. Maybe it's just from being out of sorts and tired. Hopefully he will kick this soon.
We are going to watch Derrick play soccer today, so that will be fun. Clare and Carl will be there, and I invited Elissa. Yay for being out with friends! It's so fun to bring the baby out to see everyone :)

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