Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One is Fun

We have more nicknames. It never ends. I'm not sure she will know her real name when she is older. Derrick is loving calling her Wrenlita the Hut, since she pigs out all the time.

Little lady changes every day. From colic to sweetest/easiest baby ever, to all of a sudden running at 10 months, to turning into sassy pants, being Miss Independent, to NEVER SITTING STILL....being a little comedian, to pointing and yelling at items she wants, to tantruming over the slightest thing..We have concluded, she be cray cray.

She has started mimicking people lately, and trying to sound out words. She says momma, dadda, and baba all the time..but recently she said bye bye, wow, night night, and mine. It's so cute because she says it exaggerated. For instance, wow. She opens her mouth super wide, and her eyes get all huge, and she sorta whisper/yells it. It's pretty funny.

She still eats awesome. That was such a struggle with Dex, and it is very comforting not having a battle anymore. Even Dex has started eating better. He will watch her have something, and all of a sudden want the same thing. I also stopped packing his lunch for school, so he would be forced to eat what the meal plan is at school. His teacher said he has begun trying things, and ended up eating a casserole the other day. Super cool.

Dex has the coolest teacher, and I love his school. This summer they had the fire department come, they have done tons of water activities, tie dyed shirts, painted with m&ms, had puppet shows, melted crayon art, etc...It's sweet! I want to be in his class! The other kids in his class know me well now, and they always congregate around me when I pick Dex up. They all talk at once, and I have to concentrate on all their tiny voices.

Dex is having a blast at school, and can write his name, and spell it. I am going to start teaching him more with reading and writing now. He seems to be interested. As long as Baby Wren doesn't interfere...she likes to manipulate our time. If Dex comes and sits on my lap, she FLIPS out. Scream-central. She will try grabbing at me around his body. It's comical. Basically, she needs to be with Derrick so that I can cuddle with Dex, or do anything at all with Dex! (or napping)

As for us, we are super busy, ALL THE TIME. I am still doing photography on the side. It's so damn fun, I just have to. Between work, allergy shots, chiro appointments, photography, hair salon, (going back to the gym in sept)...I am not sure how it will all go down.... Should be interesting!

We are excited for two out of state weddings in Sept! NO KIDS! YIPPEE! It's like our friends getting married, gave US a gift! Thanks guys! xoxo

Baby Boo

 Sooo, Wren first bday went off without a hitch. It was pretty laid back at Cascade Park. Lots of sweet little people showed up. We were super excited to have Aunt Erin, Uncle Johnny, and little Elliot there. That was super special! Her party was bird themed, of course.I ended up decorating her cake, since nowhere would do what I wanted...but it ended up cool!

 We had birdie goodie bags for all the little kiddos, and juice boxes. The bigger kids went and played on all the slides, and swings. Wren ended up being obsessed with all of her presents. Every doll she got, she tried to carry at the same time. She has been having many tea parties, running around in her new shoes, using a remote control car (super sweet!), pushing her new shopping cart, riding around in her pink cozy coupe, rolling a new ball, checking herself out in her new vanity, wearing new pretty clothes, and throwing around all her other sweet toys! You could tell she felt pretty darn special :)

 We also had a party the next weekend up at the cottage. Wren shared a bday with a few other members of the fam!
 Grandma Mimi got a cute cake made that said, 1 to 90! Yup, that is a lot of years apart. There was even a special cake for Elliot, since we didn't get to see him on his bday. Everyone had a great time, even though Wren is having "Stranger Danger". She is a little attached to me right now. Dex had a blast playing with Ellie-lit. (Elliot). The whole fam got to hang around the fire, it was great.

 Check out all the lovely ladies!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We survived the first year as a household of 4!

Yes, a year has FLOWN by with this crazy Baby Wren of ours. She has developed an array of nicknames from everyone. I am sorta surprised by how many different names she is called! Here is the list:

1.) Wren-roo
2.) Missy Mouse or Mousey
3.) Rue
4.) Baby boo
5.) Baby Wren
6.) Wrenly LEiA (in a sing songy voice)
7.)  Roo Roo
8.) Wrene (Rene)
9.) Wrenny
10.) Baby girl
11.) Little girl
12.) Wren
13.) Wrenly
14.) Nini
15.) Wrensicle (similar to the popsicle)
16.) Clingy bear

 I know there are more, but now I can't think of them..

I haven't gotten to blog lately, as my nights are usually filled with editing photos, and studying new techniques in the photography world. I finally set aside time right after I put Wren to sleep tonight.

Kids- Things are getting better with Dex and Wren. He is not as violent and hateful, so this is a bonus. He is actually sweet to her sometimes, and I will catch him trying to make her laugh. I think Dex is finally getting through this phase. I slowly see him slipping out of the terrible 3's. I am hoping the 4's are smooth sailing! I am so excited to see Wren grown, and the two of them starting to interact more together.

Dex- Little man has been enjoying school a lot more. He is playing nicely, and the kids have warmed up to him. He is the only one in the classroom that is two days, I think...The rest are full time every day. He only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10am-5:30pm. It really helps a lot, though. He can play, and do tons of activities. I am extremely thankful for Tutor Time. They have helped him so much.

He is still only interested in cars, trucks, dune toys, and trains. I try to get him interested in books, and art....but he is NOT. There must be other kids out there that don't care for books, right? I am going to keep pushing it...It's just time to get books that are older, and he is more interested in. Sometimes I feel like I can't catch up to these growing children.

I keep forgetting how old Wren is, and I am thinking I forgot to teach her many things that I taught Dex by now! I'm trying not to worry

K, I got sidetracked. So, we have been at the cottage every spare moment, and Dexter thrives there. He is super independent, and just does his thing. He will literally be in the lake from morning until night. We just let him come and go as he pleases there, and he usually ends up at the neighbors house playing. They just adore him.

He was finally big enough to ride the go carts up at the cottage all by himself! Well, they had to actually put something behind his back so his feet could reach the pedal, but he did it! It was a really big moment for us because each time we go, we always would say, maybe next time! It gave him a little confidence boost.

Our friends DJ and Andria came to the cottage for a visit with their new dog, Tucker, and Dex fell in love with him. He couldn't pronounce his name, so it came out as Puffert. We were laughing every time he called for, Puffert! (ahhhh, I guess you had to be there)

Wren- Little Miss is trying to do things before Dex did. She took steps at 9 months, starting walking at 10 months, and running at 11 months...and I think she is looking for apartments already. She is INDEPENDENT. (well, sorta, she is stuck to me like glue, hence the Clingy Bear name)

Wren is a little more stoic in her personality, compared to Dex. Dex was a lovey dovey tickle bug, and Wren is cold as ice when it comes to tickling. She has either has a poker face, or just is not ticklish. She will just look at you straight faced, like, "what the hell are you doing to me right now".

 Dex used to give people the "stink eye", and Wren gives the "stink face". Attitude! This girl does not sit for more than one second. She is running around the house ALL DAY. I kid you not. Come over, you will see. I can barely change a diaper or get her dressed. It is usually me following behind her begging her to sit down. Eventually I just get frustrated, and get my mean mom voice and leg lock her into a wrestling move while she is screaming her head off....that usually does the trick.

Her personality is starting to shine through more, and she totally knows what we are saying now. If I ask her to bring me the remote, she will go pick it up, and run in the other direction. So, yeah, she's a little cocky. If I ask her to bring me my phone, she will bring it to me, and then hit me on the head with it, and start yeah, cocky.

There are a few different ways to get Wren to laugh.
1.) Put my head on her belly and shake my hair around (that is her fave)
2.) The get Papa Steves nose game
3.) Dexter playing steal her blanket
4.) Chasing her on the couch

Wren is still eating all foods. This makes life so much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The battles I went through with Dex were terrible! I hope she stays this good. Dex got pickier after his first bday.

Her Party- We chose to have her first bday at the park, since Dexters first bday was so stressful with prepping, and cleaning, and tight quarters at our house. I like to have a big first bday, and then tone it down after that. The park is great because all the kids will be able to run around and play, while everyone converses. I wanted to decorate and do all this pinterest crap, but I don't have the time, energy, or's about having friends and fam celebrate our beautiful little girl.
I'm excited for her to get some girl toys. She loves baby dolls, and we only have two. Other than that, she plays with Dexters toys...but her new fave toy, is the crock pot! She loves sitting in it, so I just put it on the floor. Weird child.

I'm bringing the kids to visit my grand parents in Chicago next week, with my dad. That will be an interesting trip! Hope my dad can handle the three of us, alone. It's going to be fun, my grandparents never get to see the kids because they can't travel. It's hard being far from's not like I can just jump over to Chicago easily all the time. Can't wait!

Friday, May 10, 2013

It's hard to get mad at these faces...

My children are growing so fast! Look at them! Cute as heck, right?! 
Our household is never boring, that is for sure...Whether Dex is pushing Wren over, or Wren is crawling away from me with poop coming outta her's always a choose your own adventure book.
Wren is already almost walking. She walks along the furniture, and stands by herself for a short period of time. Derrick saw her take a daring step toward something the other day. I guess she grabbed on to a chair pretty quickly. Little Miss can say Mama and Dada...and some other babble. I don't bother with baby sign language because Dex spoke almost outta the womb, and Wren just grunts at I know what she wants. I think she will be a talker, too. I figure I know she wants "more" if she starts freaking out when I stop giving her cheerios or whatever food. Language is language, right? Our challenge with Wren is, the dreaded diaper change. I just try to avoid it at all costs...but I know I have to change her frequently. I just never know what wrestling maneuver she is going to pull. Basically, we have adjusted to changing her while standing up, which has resulted in many a pee on the carpet incidents...say wha? You try changing her! I dare you. She will do a professional back bend, and walk on her hands backwards like in the exorcist movies. No joke. Besides that..she is a perfect angel. She also now sleeps.(sometimes still wakes up, but not often like she used to) 

Wrens favorite past times include: clapping, waving, eating my face, screaming for more water out of my cup, stealing her brothers toys, making extremely cute faces, scratching the furniture with her talons(she likes the sound of her nails on leather/fabric...sorta like our cats, do), crawling away from me when I need to pick her up, laughing at mommy and daddy, playing in the tub, eating ANYTHING, putting her forehead on other peoples foreheads and snuggling in, gnawing on my knees, screaming wars,not getting dressed, and she loves everything Dexter.

Dexter is a handful these days. Cocky, doesn't listen, offers up ideas that I am not down with, manipulates, despises his sister, laughs at authority, frequents the time out corner, whines, runs from us, thinks he can just go outside alone...I sometimes picture him saying F*@# the Police, in his head....

I guess the terrible threes are in full affect. It's just draining! He is actually an easy kid minus all that! lol. He is my favorite grocery shopping buddy. He always remembers to remind me to get milk, cheese, and yogurt. He will always go to Spoonlickers with me, because all my friends are too healthy to go. haha. For my bday he made me a necklace and key chain at school. That was so cool! It's weird when they start giving you stuff. I need to get something to save all this stuff in, like my mom did for me. I hate to throw this stuff out!

Derrick got him this awesome dune buggy power wheels. The kid is already a race car driver. He is good! He can back up and turn better than I can! (no jokes, please...I know I can't drive)

Here is a pic of him in all his glory. The true "Damien"............

I'm tired, peace out.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


First things child has been sleeping through the night. I don't want to jump the gun, since it's only been 3 nights, BUT I am getting used to this. It's fricking sweet, I am not gonna lie. I know in a few weeks, she will be screaming in pain while her teeth poke through, but I am just going to be in denial about that.

Little Miss Wren decided to crawl at 7 months, and has kept us pretty busy. It must be a golden rule that all babies must go near all electrical devices, and cords. I could lay out 10 of her toys all around her, and she will still bolt for the tv wires. She isn't as into my phone as Dexter was, but she really wants to bang on the laptop, and tv stand. She has this odd thing of banging on everything like she is playing the bongos. She only does this with her right hand, so it sorta looks like she knows what she is doing. She will hold an item, like a box, or something, and just bang away with her right hand. Or, she will use her paci as the instrument and bang it on something over and over again. I keep wondering if she has a nerve problem, because that arm never quits!

Eating is fine for now. She will eat anything I give her. The only one time she made a face was when I gave her that baby yogurt. Not sure if she liked that texture yet. I tried it again and she ate more, but she didn't seem as excited, like when she gets carrots, or peas with brown rice. Weird, I know. Crossing fingers she likes more food than Dex.

She loves to laugh at Daddy, and likes to have noise wars with me. We just are loud back and forth, and try to get the other one to laugh and make another weird sound. It's a favorite game of ours to play. Lately she doesn't like if I leave the room while she is in our bouncy thing. Usually she is on my hip at all times. Baby on hip laundry aerobics, baby on hip dish washing aerobics, baby on hip cleaning aerobics..............
Little Miss also enjoys bath time.(I don't give her one every night, but she would love that) There just isn't enough time sometimes. My whole house are bath people. We all enjoy the relaxing time in a bubble bath. I just have to get a hundred toys out before I can fully relax. Note to self: Remember next time to make sure house has at least TWO tubs. We have 3 showers, which is great, but KIDS go in tubs, and I go in tubs. ONE TUB = not cool when it is connected to Wrens room and directly across from Dexters room. TUB OBSESSED = ME. (that is usually when i have time to talk on the phone with my friends, lol)

All in all, Wren is an easy one for now. She just goes with the flow. We carry her around the mall, and people always come up to us because of her eyes. (just like they did with Dex!) She passes out anywhere. She takes her 2-3 naps a day, and just goes down. She doesn't fight anything, but rather is happy to get her beauty sleep. She went from colic satan baby, to angel baby of awesomeness.

What's new with Dex?? He eats more than he used to. Or at least I think he does..or I am just used to feeding him more of the stuff he does eat. He eats, so he is alive, and that is good.

He was potty trained by his 3rd birthday, and wears underwear to bed. He pees before he goes to bed, and he is good through the night. He is so weird though. I have noticed that he will sit to poop, and then get up, and stand up to pee. He has always liked standing to pee, and it is weird. He is so short! He stands on his toes and sorta hangs it over....LOL. Sorry, tmi. It's just funny as heck to me.

 I did look into a different preschool for him, though. We are paying a little bit too much, and this other one I looked into offered more for less money. I hate to pull him from Tutor Time where he is comfortable, but I am sure he will get used to it in time. He really liked the new playground, so maybe that will get him all excited. He seemed fine when we went to visit! It's called Big Steps Little Feet. ;-)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ode to Yoga pants

I just wanted to express my deepest devotion to stretchy pants. I guess I am tired of people dogging on people who wear pajamas out in public. Personally, I love to be comfy all the time. Going to the bar in sweat pants and a sweatshirt, hell yeah.

Yoga pants are worn to make women feel better about their ASSets. They can smooth out a flabby stomach, or perk up a saggy butt. Ya gotta have at least 10 pairs of these things if you have young kids. You will be spit up on, peed on, boogied on, and pooped on. These things get dirty quick. Ya gotta have a back up. Also, you will be on the floor playing with your kids, changing diapers, and running around trying to do laundry or dishes. Wearing jeans in this in between losing weight phase is a big no-no. Plumber butt will always creep up on you while you are sitting down.(since you forgot how old you are now, and low rise is a thing of the past). They are just not comfortable while you still have a muffin on top, and did you really go buy a new pair yet, before you lost your desired weight?? I'm thinking, no.

Maternity pants are a big YES, even 7 months after giving birth. Hell yes I still wear them. I am not ashamed. I am not the 2% of people that look like super models after they give birth. I am friends with everyone in the 2% range, though, and I applaud them, and want to feed them cheeseburgers and fries....but am happy for them, sorta.

Living in work out gear will tend to remind you to work out, at least. I found that I love going to the gym. If anything, I get peace and quiet outside of my house, and it is super relaxing. Don't get me wrong, I do work out there, but sometimes I do just think about bringing a book, and hanging out in the locker room.

Did not think it would be this difficult to lose the weight after baby #2...or 3 or technically #4. I keep having to remind myself..I gave birth 3 times, and one miscarriage. This body needs some serious work! (plastic surgery work, that is) I have nothing against that! If things still aren't looking up to par in the next few years...Boob job here I come!

You make think I am superficial, but guess what? I totally am. I would love to look like the old me again from 5 years ago. After having kids, things surely change, and it's hard to get used to. People are so annoying, no offense..."you look great!" "what, you don't need to lose weight?!" lol. Please. (I am guilty of saying this to others as well..but seriously, they look know you do!)

So, the yoga pants shall be worn until things start getting firm. They have been my best friend, and I will keep them around as long as needed.

If you have a pregnant friend about to give birth, skip the lotion and body wash gift, get that girl some dang yoga pants!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy almost 7 months!

My Little Lady is almost 7 months! Sleep is finally on the horizon. She has only been getting up twice the last few days, granted I have been up all night coughing. She is a super happy baby, and is eating like a PIG! 3 #2 foods a day. She screams for more. I think she will be ready for some puffs soon, she keeps wanting my food and grabbing it outta my hands. My little gal is sitting up for longer periods of time, and really enjoying books! I think she likes them more than Dexter did. She loves to hear me read to her, and is all smiles. 
I was walking around the mall with her on my hip, and she was smiling at everyone walking by, and everyone loved her. She is a warm little spirit, and a lovey dovey girl. My latest thing with her is not realizing when she is grabbing for items. I will walk past the counter, and she will have knocked everything over, or she will have random items in her hand. The weirdest thing I found her holding was a bag of deli meat. I was like, "what the?" Just grabbed it off the counter before I could put it in the fridge. I guess she was helping.

I sometimes find Dexter and Wren laughing together, so things are looking up. He still isn't overly excited about her, but I keep telling him, that once she starts crawling, she can chase him. He is pretty pumped for that. He loves the "chase you" game. He hasn't been too evil about her lately. He brings toys to her, and kisses her head when we make him, lol.

I am getting used to Dex being in "school". I keep forgetting they do things like Valentines Day parties, etc. I am learning I can go to these things with him, and participate. It's fun to see him with all the kids since I am usually not there. I am learning his class mates names, and getting to know a few parents.
 It's just a little nerve wracking when I enter the door, since usually the kids come up to me and say, "Dexter hit us with a toy!" or "He's mean, I don't wanna play with him!" (Dear god, this is already happening) The teacher assures me this is normal 3 year old stuff, but I'm hoping he starts to make friends. When I was there I made sure to ask Dex the childrens names, and to say thank you and please, and to share his toys, etc. He always mentions one little boy, Brody, so maybe I can get a play date soon. Since we have all been sick for like three months I haven't had him really out much with other kids. I am going to be better about it now, and especially since we are getting more of a sleep routine with Wren, and feeling better. 

We did just take Dex bowling for the first time, and that was precious. Little cousin Wes came along. It's fun showing kids new activities. Dex and I also had a date at the library, and got to go to lunch this week. He is super fun to hang out with. He is so good outside of the house. I don't have issues with him at stores, etc. He is just helpful. He only wears underwear and hasn't wet the bed in a month or more. He even gets up to pee in our bathroom so he doesn't wake the baby.

 My viral infection is clearing up, I think. I have my inhaler, and steroid pills....after the antibiotic didn't help. They thought it might have been bacterial, obviously, not. The breathing treatment at the med center was pretty great. Derrick took the kids while I napped for three hours. I must have been in a deep sleep because I woke up in that sweaty hair type of state. Maybe I sweat the germs out. This inhaler thing is amazing, I might add. It's so wonderful!! I am just bummed I couldn't try out my new shoes Derrick got for me!! They are some sweet cross trainers. They felt great, and I am hoping to fix the ouchy shin issues from my Body Combat classes. All that jumping around in Old Navy work out shoes was not very smart. I am shooting for tomorrow, though! I actually LIKE working out, ha ha, now if I can just go and not let this sickness keep me down!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look how cute and pink these are??

Also excitedly waiting for a client/friend to deliver me some shoes of hers! YAY friends!!

Catch ya on the healthy side!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Ooooh Preschool, how I loathe thee. We are learning just how grotesque these children germs are. I mean, they must cling to everything for months! As much as you try to sanitize things, your child's hands are always at their nose wiping and then touching stuff.. We are so tired of feeling like garbage. Dealing with pee, poo,and spit up is our normal day... but then you add snot to the mix, and it's a whole new ball game. Poor Dex keeps having a runny nose and a cough. Derrick seems to be better, and Wren, but now I am sick once again. I just hope it doesn't go back to Wren. My mom was just keeps getting passed around. So gross. At least it has given me a chance to sit in peace and quiet for a short while. (cough, cough)

Wren: Little miss can sit up for short periods of time by herself. She grabs at everything. She loves to sing herself to sleep. (even though she sounds like a little zombie baby..she just makes these monster type sounds.."errrraaaaaggguuuhhh") She eats two baby food containers a day.She loves everything orange colored. She will eat the fruit ones, but gets very excited for carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes. I am going to switch  her to the organic squeezy pouch food when she can sit up on her own. (those are the #2 foods). I think she will like the flavors of those a lot. Then I will start making her some items with my food processor, and see if she will be as picky as Dexter was. Sleeping still SUCKS. I don't know what her problem is. She is such a baby. We have tried it all. sigh. I thought being on solids would change our world, but it only changed her poop.

Putting Wren to sleep is super easy, all you have to do is put her in her crib. Awake or asleep, she is pretty easy. It's the few hours later when she wakes, wants food, passes out, wakes again, wants food, passes out, wakes again, wants paci, pops it out, put the paci in, passes out.........AHHHH!!! Wets her diaper, change it, didn't put diaper on correctly because too tired, then she pees through and wets her outfit, change the outfit, oooh she's awake now! Rub her back till she passes out.....sigh. Mommy passes out in a deep sleep, then Wren cries, mommy is up, can't get back to sleep....finally gets to sleep, Dex comes in to say good morning...Mommy tries to get Dex to lay in bed with her, Dex wants to play....Mommy is UP! Wren is sleeping like a log now...doesn't get up until hours later...but mommy is up getting Dex ready for school. Then it's time to get mommy ready for work, but then Wren gets up. Time to feed and change Wren, but it's time to bring Dex to school. Mommy has not showered, and has to do make up and hair at work. Lol. Gotta love it!Mommy then looks like CRAP at work. Her clients understand. :)

Dexter is doing much better in preschool. He has stopped throwing things, and hitting children with toys. Joy! He even napped for Miss Kari the other day. He must have been pooped from still being sick. One of his newest funnies recently was:

Me: Dex eat your chicken, it will help you grow big and strong.
Dex: (whispers) mommm, if I eat it I will grow to the ceiling and hit my head and get a boo boo.
Me: oh my gosh. eat your chicken! lol

In other news, I have a studio space for photography for the time being! I haven't been able to use it yet, due to sickness, bad weather, etc...I had to cancel my first shoot there. Hoping to do it next week instead. My landlord is letting me use it until he gets a tenant, and will sorta switch me around to empty units. Really nice of him! Worked out a pretty awesome deal per shoot. ;) Now if I could just get over have a 6 month old I will be taking pics of first there ;)

Another shoot I will be doing is my friends newborn son, Lucas, and my other friends newborn son, Ryan! Newborn babies everywhere!!