Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Ooooh Preschool, how I loathe thee. We are learning just how grotesque these children germs are. I mean, they must cling to everything for months! As much as you try to sanitize things, your child's hands are always at their nose wiping and then touching stuff.. We are so tired of feeling like garbage. Dealing with pee, poo,and spit up is our normal day... but then you add snot to the mix, and it's a whole new ball game. Poor Dex keeps having a runny nose and a cough. Derrick seems to be better, and Wren, but now I am sick once again. I just hope it doesn't go back to Wren. My mom was just keeps getting passed around. So gross. At least it has given me a chance to sit in peace and quiet for a short while. (cough, cough)

Wren: Little miss can sit up for short periods of time by herself. She grabs at everything. She loves to sing herself to sleep. (even though she sounds like a little zombie baby..she just makes these monster type sounds.."errrraaaaaggguuuhhh") She eats two baby food containers a day.She loves everything orange colored. She will eat the fruit ones, but gets very excited for carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes. I am going to switch  her to the organic squeezy pouch food when she can sit up on her own. (those are the #2 foods). I think she will like the flavors of those a lot. Then I will start making her some items with my food processor, and see if she will be as picky as Dexter was. Sleeping still SUCKS. I don't know what her problem is. She is such a baby. We have tried it all. sigh. I thought being on solids would change our world, but it only changed her poop.

Putting Wren to sleep is super easy, all you have to do is put her in her crib. Awake or asleep, she is pretty easy. It's the few hours later when she wakes, wants food, passes out, wakes again, wants food, passes out, wakes again, wants paci, pops it out, put the paci in, passes out.........AHHHH!!! Wets her diaper, change it, didn't put diaper on correctly because too tired, then she pees through and wets her outfit, change the outfit, oooh she's awake now! Rub her back till she passes out.....sigh. Mommy passes out in a deep sleep, then Wren cries, mommy is up, can't get back to sleep....finally gets to sleep, Dex comes in to say good morning...Mommy tries to get Dex to lay in bed with her, Dex wants to play....Mommy is UP! Wren is sleeping like a log now...doesn't get up until hours later...but mommy is up getting Dex ready for school. Then it's time to get mommy ready for work, but then Wren gets up. Time to feed and change Wren, but it's time to bring Dex to school. Mommy has not showered, and has to do make up and hair at work. Lol. Gotta love it!Mommy then looks like CRAP at work. Her clients understand. :)

Dexter is doing much better in preschool. He has stopped throwing things, and hitting children with toys. Joy! He even napped for Miss Kari the other day. He must have been pooped from still being sick. One of his newest funnies recently was:

Me: Dex eat your chicken, it will help you grow big and strong.
Dex: (whispers) mommm, if I eat it I will grow to the ceiling and hit my head and get a boo boo.
Me: oh my gosh. eat your chicken! lol

In other news, I have a studio space for photography for the time being! I haven't been able to use it yet, due to sickness, bad weather, etc...I had to cancel my first shoot there. Hoping to do it next week instead. My landlord is letting me use it until he gets a tenant, and will sorta switch me around to empty units. Really nice of him! Worked out a pretty awesome deal per shoot. ;) Now if I could just get over have a 6 month old I will be taking pics of first there ;)

Another shoot I will be doing is my friends newborn son, Lucas, and my other friends newborn son, Ryan! Newborn babies everywhere!!

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