Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We survived the first year as a household of 4!

Yes, a year has FLOWN by with this crazy Baby Wren of ours. She has developed an array of nicknames from everyone. I am sorta surprised by how many different names she is called! Here is the list:

1.) Wren-roo
2.) Missy Mouse or Mousey
3.) Rue
4.) Baby boo
5.) Baby Wren
6.) Wrenly LEiA (in a sing songy voice)
7.)  Roo Roo
8.) Wrene (Rene)
9.) Wrenny
10.) Baby girl
11.) Little girl
12.) Wren
13.) Wrenly
14.) Nini
15.) Wrensicle (similar to the popsicle)
16.) Clingy bear

 I know there are more, but now I can't think of them..

I haven't gotten to blog lately, as my nights are usually filled with editing photos, and studying new techniques in the photography world. I finally set aside time right after I put Wren to sleep tonight.

Kids- Things are getting better with Dex and Wren. He is not as violent and hateful, so this is a bonus. He is actually sweet to her sometimes, and I will catch him trying to make her laugh. I think Dex is finally getting through this phase. I slowly see him slipping out of the terrible 3's. I am hoping the 4's are smooth sailing! I am so excited to see Wren grown, and the two of them starting to interact more together.

Dex- Little man has been enjoying school a lot more. He is playing nicely, and the kids have warmed up to him. He is the only one in the classroom that is two days, I think...The rest are full time every day. He only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10am-5:30pm. It really helps a lot, though. He can play, and do tons of activities. I am extremely thankful for Tutor Time. They have helped him so much.

He is still only interested in cars, trucks, dune toys, and trains. I try to get him interested in books, and art....but he is NOT. There must be other kids out there that don't care for books, right? I am going to keep pushing it...It's just time to get books that are older, and he is more interested in. Sometimes I feel like I can't catch up to these growing children.

I keep forgetting how old Wren is, and I am thinking I forgot to teach her many things that I taught Dex by now! I'm trying not to worry

K, I got sidetracked. So, we have been at the cottage every spare moment, and Dexter thrives there. He is super independent, and just does his thing. He will literally be in the lake from morning until night. We just let him come and go as he pleases there, and he usually ends up at the neighbors house playing. They just adore him.

He was finally big enough to ride the go carts up at the cottage all by himself! Well, they had to actually put something behind his back so his feet could reach the pedal, but he did it! It was a really big moment for us because each time we go, we always would say, maybe next time! It gave him a little confidence boost.

Our friends DJ and Andria came to the cottage for a visit with their new dog, Tucker, and Dex fell in love with him. He couldn't pronounce his name, so it came out as Puffert. We were laughing every time he called for, Puffert! (ahhhh, I guess you had to be there)

Wren- Little Miss is trying to do things before Dex did. She took steps at 9 months, starting walking at 10 months, and running at 11 months...and I think she is looking for apartments already. She is INDEPENDENT. (well, sorta, she is stuck to me like glue, hence the Clingy Bear name)

Wren is a little more stoic in her personality, compared to Dex. Dex was a lovey dovey tickle bug, and Wren is cold as ice when it comes to tickling. She has either has a poker face, or just is not ticklish. She will just look at you straight faced, like, "what the hell are you doing to me right now".

 Dex used to give people the "stink eye", and Wren gives the "stink face". Attitude! This girl does not sit for more than one second. She is running around the house ALL DAY. I kid you not. Come over, you will see. I can barely change a diaper or get her dressed. It is usually me following behind her begging her to sit down. Eventually I just get frustrated, and get my mean mom voice and leg lock her into a wrestling move while she is screaming her head off....that usually does the trick.

Her personality is starting to shine through more, and she totally knows what we are saying now. If I ask her to bring me the remote, she will go pick it up, and run in the other direction. So, yeah, she's a little cocky. If I ask her to bring me my phone, she will bring it to me, and then hit me on the head with it, and start yeah, cocky.

There are a few different ways to get Wren to laugh.
1.) Put my head on her belly and shake my hair around (that is her fave)
2.) The get Papa Steves nose game
3.) Dexter playing steal her blanket
4.) Chasing her on the couch

Wren is still eating all foods. This makes life so much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The battles I went through with Dex were terrible! I hope she stays this good. Dex got pickier after his first bday.

Her Party- We chose to have her first bday at the park, since Dexters first bday was so stressful with prepping, and cleaning, and tight quarters at our house. I like to have a big first bday, and then tone it down after that. The park is great because all the kids will be able to run around and play, while everyone converses. I wanted to decorate and do all this pinterest crap, but I don't have the time, energy, or's about having friends and fam celebrate our beautiful little girl.
I'm excited for her to get some girl toys. She loves baby dolls, and we only have two. Other than that, she plays with Dexters toys...but her new fave toy, is the crock pot! She loves sitting in it, so I just put it on the floor. Weird child.

I'm bringing the kids to visit my grand parents in Chicago next week, with my dad. That will be an interesting trip! Hope my dad can handle the three of us, alone. It's going to be fun, my grandparents never get to see the kids because they can't travel. It's hard being far from's not like I can just jump over to Chicago easily all the time. Can't wait!

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