Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I love my little guy

Taking care of Business

Paying the Bills
Looking like a big boy

My little guy is growing up! He has been so sweet lately! He loves his momma again! Even though he likes his space, he has been cuddling, giving kisses, and just being cute. He will grab me by the finger and take me where he wants me to go. He is now starting to do more pretending when we play. We will go in his room and he does his night time ritual on me, and puts me to bed! I really like this game because I can lay down for a few minutes! He puts the covers on me, gives me a paci, and turns his music on. (i don't put the paci in my mouth, fyi) then he turns off the light, and closes the door! He peeks in on me to make sure I don't get up, so I just close my eyes, and relax! If I get up and open the door, he says, "no no momma, night night" off I go back to bed. Hehe.

Tonight we were making funny faces in the mirror after his bath, and he would copy whatever face I would make. Then I told him to make up some of his own, and it was pretty cool to see him take the lead and think up things on his own.

Dex also is learning to take off his clothes by himself, and he feels pretty good when he does, but doesn't mind asking for help either! Shirts are pretty hard to get off, but he can do pants, socks, and diaper. He has been going on the potty for quite awhile now, and it's at his own accord.  No pressure over here. I just want to be more on it after Disney World. We leave Friday, so when we get home, I just might mention it more. He just pees on the toilet.

As for bedtime, I am so dang lucky. This kid has been so EASY!! I don't know if it was my adamant scheduling, or if it was just pure luck, but I feel as though I am in for trouble with this next baby. I just FEEL it. I am screwed. Dex just will walk into his room when it's nap time, and grab his stuffies and loveys, and just lay down. At bedtime when I say it's time for bed, he gathers up his pacis(we will work on taking those away after trip as well) and I carry him to bed! He says "love u momma" and I close the door. It's so sweet! I have to remind myself his first six months of sleeping sucked, since he was a "snacker"...he needed to eat every two to three hours...then when I started feeding him solids, he slept  awesome. (K, I just stuck my foot in my mouth, guess who just walked into the living room at 10:37pm? He came out to tell me that he peed in his diaper. haha. It was so cute tho! He was rubbing his eyes, saying "wet, wet". I changed him, then bribed him with an M&M to go back to bed. I wasn't sure if he was going to want to stay up after her came out. Since he never does this, I was unprepared, lol. I figure candy is always the quickest solution, don't judge.)

As for the baby and I. Still going strong. We will find out the sex of the baby hopefully on the 12th. This anterior placenta thing is very different for me. I am used to feeling my babies all the time, and this dang placenta is in front of the baby blocking lots of movement. I can feel her/him on the sides of it, and pretty low, but it is for sure very different. I don't feel very pregnant with this one. It's weird. I feel like I'm not as huge as last time, but I didn't really lose all Dexters baby weight I dunno, it's all different. Since I'm not taking the shots, I feel pretty great. I just still have that one hip that bothers me at night, and after standing a bit at work today my stomach hurt a little, probably the round ligament stuff. All the norm. I will be 18 weeks on Monday. It's so funny to me! I swear I do not look like I did at 18 weeks with either Dex or just sorta makes me laugh..I had a huge round firm belly...and my current belly is still squishy...just seems strange to me! I hope it will round out soon so I feel more pregnant.

Well, I will post after we get back from Disney World. It will be so fun going to my brothers wedding! Wish us luck with traveling with a toddler! This will be the first flight for him, and first time being in another state for a whole week! This should get interesting!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dexter the Destroyer...gotta love him.

Since the terrible twos have struck, I shall give you a list of our most common phrases:

1.) We do NOT throw
2.) Timeout
3.) Don't throw food
4.) Down
5.) Stop
6.) Hot
7.) You will get a boo boo
8.) Ouch, don't touch
9.) Wipe that up
10.) We don't pour milk on the floor
11.) No No
12.) No more
13.) One more time, and timeout
14.) Oonnnneeee, Twooooooo, THREE
15.) That's Yucky
16.) What did you do?
17.) You being good over there?
18.) All gone
19.) Nigh nigh time
20.) DEXTER!

Those are just to name a few. He isn't really that bad, but he is tiring! Dex is always into something. Every minute of the day. While cooking tonight, I forgot to push the lock button on the fridge door, and he had already made a tiny lake....and I was turned around for like a minute. Same room even! At least he gets a towel from the drawer and cleans it up himself. The other day he found a tube of petroleum jelly on top of his dresser where his powder, etc is. He squirted it everywhere in his room. That was easier to clean than the powder incident. I never got a chance to take a picture of that because I couldn't breathe in his room...and I didn't want to hurt my inner baby.
Sooo, Dexter is talking up a storm now. It's funny to watch him mimic us. He tells the cats to get off the couch when they start scratching it...or if they jump on the counter top. He tells me "turn on lights", "turn off lights", "sit down mama", "no no go away mama", "Dada sit, play play", "Dada go sit table", "Up sky!"(that is when daddy throws him in the air) , "Up sky car!"(when daddy picks up the car with him in it), "mama fly!"(me flying him around room), "mama tickle neck!"( he loooooves being tickled), "dada boo boo eyes!"(this is when dex takes derricks contact lenses out of the drawer and he thinks Dada has to put them in his eyes because he has a boo boo),"lets go downstairs, play play!", he says "it's broken", "i see u!", "mamma chase me!", "i color on wall!" the list goes on! He's pretty funny.

As for my pregnancy. I CAN'T STOP EATING DING DONGS! I NEED SWEETS! I get to the store and I freak out in the cereal aisle. I want all the sugary ones! I have to contain it though, I don't wanna overdue it! I just settle for Honey Bunches of Oats. BORING! I have been pretty tired the past few days as well. Maybe little baby is having a growth spurt. He/She was moving around a bunch last night which was cool. I'm still waiting to be able to feel the baby all day. I only sometimes get a chance to feel it kicking around in there.

My hips still sorta suck, mainly at night. It is my left hip that hurts, and I am supposed to sleep on that side. I put a pillow under it last night and it helped a little, but since my hip is sucky, the rest of my bones are outta whack, so I end up getting really bad back/neck Tylenol has been my friend. Once I am up and about walking around helps. Bending sucks. I was organizing and doing laundry today, and just picking things up off the ground really bothers my back a lot. Oh well!

I will post belly pics when I look less pudgy and more round. I will not hurt anyones eyes by showing off my flab. Ok? Cool.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Psycho womb baby at 15 weeks

I am not sure if because this time around I am always eating sweets...but this baby is ACTIVE! When Dex was in my belly, he always was hanging out at the bottom of my uterus....sleeping. He was never being difficult for the ultrasound techs. This baby is ALL OVER the place. It's funny that two different people have done ultrasounds and both say the same thing, "I'm trying to get a read on the heart, but it won't stop flipping around!" (heartbeat was 147 today, eventually)
Today the baby kept crossing it's legs, and we couldn't get a great view of the genital area. Soooo...I gotta be patient and wait four more weeks. BUMMER!
Little baby did wave a lot though!
The pregnancy is going well, and I like to eat a lot...I don't get full very easily. I wake up in the middle of the night pretty thirsty, but now I keep a cup near the bed.
My hips hurt on and off. Picking Dex up makes them burn. Just an ouchy pinching burn feel. I have been trying to let him walk everywhere...but sometimes he just wants, "up!".
Every time I ask Dex if he wants a baby boy or baby girl, he always says, "baby girl". When I asked him what was in my belly yesterday, he said, "yucky"...(whatever.)
I saw Dr. Sheikh today, and he was so nice. (If ever there was a doctor I love..this is him!) He was at the hospital when I had Cora. He was wonderful, and had great bedside manner. I remember he was testing me for the fetal fibronectin(sp?) test...and it wasn't good, and he was really kinda about telling me. Anyway, he was around for Dexters appointments too, and now this ones. He told me today that everything about the baby looked normal, cervical length normal, fluids normal...He decided that we wouldn't do the progesterone shots unless he saw anything weird in the next visit. I am off the hook!! He said since everything was going as should be, there should be no cause for concern. I can't wait to see what my OB thinks. She thought for sure they were gonna be on me like a hawk with those shots. I bet she will be happy at least that they aren't too worried now.
This technician said I had: An Anterior Placenta/It means your baby is taking a backseat to the placenta. The term "anterior placenta" refers to the location of the placenta within your uterus. Most of the time, a fertilized egg will situate itself in the posterior uterus — the part closest to your spine, which is where the placenta eventually develops, too. Sometimes, though, the egg implants on the opposite side of the uterus, closest to your abdomen. When the placenta develops, it grows on the front (or anterior) side of your uterus, with the baby behind it. 
Does the location of your placenta make any difference? Not to your baby, who doesn't care which side of the uterus he or she is lying on, and it certainly makes no difference to him or her where the placenta lies. And what about to you —  or your practitioner? You might be less able to feel your baby's early kicks and punches because the placenta will serve as a cushion between your baby and your tummy. For the same reason, your doctor or midwife may find it a bit harder to hear fetal heart sounds (and it could make amniocentesis slightly more challenging). These situations will resolve if the placenta moves into a more posterior position later on (as anterior placentas commonly do). But the good news here is that, despite those slight inconveniencies, an anterior placenta in and of itself poses no risk to your health. 

The tech said that I am super in tuned with my body since I could already feel the kicks with having the anterior location. I will agree with that.
Well that is the news from today!