Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Friday, January 27, 2012

Womb Baby

We had our 13 week ultrasound today, and the little baby has stuck around! This time it looked like a little human, so that was awesome. To get to this point means a lot. I can feel calm that things are growing/going well. It's finally starting to be more real, and I felt that connection beginning. SOooo that was really great :-)

In two weeks I start going to the Maternal Fetal Clinic. This is where I went while pregnant with Dexter. Here is where I get more in depth ultrasounds and have the specialist take a peek at them. This is still all precautionary stuff. They check the length of your cervix, amniotic fluid levels, the baby...etc...They will tell me to start getting my weekly booty shots of progesterone to help keep the baby from wanting to leave my tummy early. (No one knows why Cora wanted out so bad, but if your normal progesterone levels drop that will tell your baby it is time to exit, sooooo if they shoot me with extra progesterone, it is good, because I will have so much of it, if my levels did drop, it would help keep the baby inside me) Like I said before, they are not sure if that had occurred, but it's better to be safe than sorry, and it doesn't hurt anything, besides my butt.

I was thrilled to see my booty shot nurse at the office today! Ruth was my little gem at the office who would give me my weekly shots when I was pregnant with Dex. I hadn't seen her since I was 36 weeks pregnant with Dex, and didn't know if she still worked there or not, and she surprised me today while I was waiting for the doctor to come into my room! It's quite a bond you get when someone sticks the largest needle they have into your most sensitive area....Needless to say, I was extremely happy because she makes a sucky thing not so sucky anymore. She did tell me she was moving to FL in August, and I said "perfect timing, because I am due in August, and you will be shooting me up for my whole pregnancy!" You make think this is silly, but this was the second highlight to my day. I told her I needed her for this, and it makes things so much calmer for me. Hurray for Ruth!

Soooo, my womb baby could hardly stay still today during the ultrasound, and it could be because I ate a sugar cookie from my mom before the ultrasound....but I knew I had a little tumbler in there! I had been feeling the "quickening" movements the last two days....It happens! I felt Cora and Dex move around 14 weeks, and I never expected to feel anything before then, but I did a few times already. It is very subtle, and would be barely noticeable, but I am freaky in touch with my body, and I know a few tricks. The main one is ice water, and being really quiet and still..and kinda scrunch yourself, or squish the baby pretty much....I sorta curl up, and take a swig, and babies seem to move around...I dunno why, but it works...So I went into the ultrasound feeling okay because I felt a few little movements already!

So that is the scoop!

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