Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Been awhile!

LIFE IS BUSY, people. I have no clue where to begin. Let's start with the easy stuff, Dexter. He is almost two, which I am in denial about. My coworkers have to keep reminding me not to say he is one and a half. He will be TWO in two months?? What the H-Edoublehockeysticks??
He is in that terrible stage. I can't say terrible twos yet, since he isn't. So I will just say he is, terrible. Not all of the time, just at times, and when he is, he IS. He doesn't throw himself on the floor, but rather will throw things, or hit objects, or myself...whichever he prefers in the heat of the moment. It could come on at any moment in time. For instance, if it's time to go inside after playing, and he did not get the memo that it was time. Or just out of the blue he will cry and babble something we don't understand, and we have to try to guess, which gets him more upset..The joys of parenting a toddler! It's all so new. Someone had to remind me that two year molars happen about now, which could explain his altering mood as well.

Now for his sweet moments. He has begun kissing. He kisses photographs, booboos, stuffed animals, the cats, and he has started kissing our faces ;) He likes receiving kisses on his cheek or forehead. He will lean in close all smiley and give you a look that melts your heart, and then you kiss him, and he comes back for more a few more times. It's pretty adorable.

Everything to him lately is "mine!". He has claimed everything, even my cats. He walks up to Triz and says, "mine!". He takes Chelseas wallet and says "mine!". Ha ha. I wish he would claim my vegetables. No such luck. Still not happening. Oh well, peanut butter and bread is his staple food. I guess people can live off of that.

Dexters current interests still include anything and everything having to do with transportation. Bikes, cars, trains, airplanes, and four-wheelers. The obsession is massive. He points out every jeep, and subaru forrester, since these are what we drive. He thinks Derrick and I have many cars it seems. I will be driving him in my car, and he will see another car like mine out the window and yell, "Mamas car!" Then he looks at me all confused wondering how I can be in two places at once.

He does not want to color, read, or learn anything I want to teach him. He wants to take tv remotes apart, and put the batteries back in after he takes them out. He wants to turn the tv off and on. He knows how to play his own dvds, put them in, and push play all by himself. He gets so proud when he does this. He wants to sit in our car and push every button, making windows go up and down, he puts the key in, he does the sunroof, etc..(we actually let him do this on a nightly basis, it is his favorite past time)

I'm thinking he is not going to be an artist, dang it! He is an OCD nerd. Where or where did THAT come from I wonder??(sarcasm) He is a neat freak. Cleans at all times. Throws everything away. He doesn't let me leave anything out, he points and shouts, "uh oh!" as if it is the end of the world that I left a cup on the coffee table. I swear, it's just craziness. This is MY child??? lol.

It is pretty cool to communicate with him now, though, when he is acting rational. He can tell us what he wants or needs. Or he can at least show us. I can compromise with him, and he understands. It's neat that I can say, "Take one more bite of that turkey meatball, and I will give you some of my juice" and he will totally obey! Or he will bring me his shoes if he wants to go outside, and I say "we can go outside if we eat first" and he will get in his little seat and try to eat fast! He's pretty street smart.

K, I'm tired. Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. Dex sounds just like my brother Mike when he was little. He wanted to deal with everything electronic like plugging things in, radios and things like that. And now he works with cameras, computers and all sorts of media stuff! Kind of ironic
