Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Monday, June 6, 2011

Secret Life

Well I will admit it, one of the shows I have been following since it came out is, "The secret life of an american teenager". I fell in love with this show because when I got pregnant with Cora, the girl on the show was the same amount of weeks as me. It was neat to watch and be going through the same stuff. I just fell in love with the cast of characters, and got sucked in. Anyway, when I lost Cora I had to stop watching the show because it was too difficult. It's like we were on the same path, and then I went off in another life. When I got pregnant with Dex, I felt okay watching again, so I caught back up, and have been watching ever since. Basically, tonights episode was one of the other characters who had gotten pregnant nine months ago, but her baby ended up passing away. It was an extremely emotional episode that struck close to home. It was everyone assuming she had the baby and all was well, but then seeing the expression on the parents faces and knowing all had gone horribly wrong. It was like they took my story or something, and I was watching it as an outsider. I am glad they had that episode strangely enough. It sorta validates my feelings somehow. Anyway, I thought I would share.

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you when I saw tonight's episode and teared up. Aww crap- I just publically posted my guilty pleasure show... ;) Well, at least I have someone to watch it with in the future now.
