Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Monday, October 10, 2011

Almost 2!

Dex is almost 2! Can't wait to celebrate with the fam, and see him actually enjoy/understand opening his gifts! It should be pretty fun. Little Man is doing great, and he is learning more words, even if we are the only ones that understsand what he is saying. What's cool is that since we can understand him more, he isn't freaking out as much. Maybe the terrible twos were over quickly?? Probably not likely, but that would be great.
We just got back from our first mini trip as a fam with Dex, at Great Wolf Lodge. It was so fun! I always thought I would hate being around a ton of kids all weekend, and it would be annoying, but it was the opposite. There is so much there for kids to do, that it makes life easy for the parents, and in return, more relaxing. I couldn't believe all the activities! I highly recommend this place for anyone who hasn't gone before. They even had booze in the pool area, awesome.
Dex really enjoyed playing in the water with the other kids. He is still getting used to sharing, and all that normal stuff. The funny stuff is when he copies kids. This one kid made a loud noise at him, so he copied him, but Dex has a really high voice, so it was the funniest sound. They did this back and forth for awhile, and everyone was laughing around us. It sounded like a hurt cat or something.
Rather than all the water play, Dex enjoyed the arcade the best. Derrick and him are becoming one person lately. It's SCARY. I think Dex already likes gambling. He was putting the coins in, winning tickets, eyes growing huuuge! He knew just where to bring those tickets to pick out his new toys. He chose CARS, of course. He kept telling the cashier lady, "Car, Car!,Mooorcycle!" She let him have one toy even though he didn't have enough tickets. hehe. He is working the eyes early!
We haven't done too much with potty training yet. He has just begun not likeing his diaper wet, and will take it off and give it to me. He will sit on the potty sometimes, but he hasn't gone in it yet. I'm not too worried about it like other parents. It seems like people are always freaking out about that and pacifiers. Seriously, he won't be an adult sucking on a pacifier, and wearing diapers by choice at 20. He will be OKAY. It's weird how many people look at you like you are doing things wrong, and it's not even their child. Does this make sense? I guess I may look at someone funny if their five year old was sucking on their boob though...that would be different, I guess. If you are reading this, lay off the whole paci/potty lectures please. Everything will be O.K. lol.
It's been 9 months since my miscarriage now, and I think we took enough time to calm our brains down. That was a pretty stressful time there for a moment. Sort of a whirlwind. We just may be ready to actually try for another baby now. We will see. My doctor said I would be able to fly for my brothers wedding if we timed it appropriately, and do extra testing to put everyone at ease. It was nice to chat with her and make me feel ok about the situtation. She even said we could time my shots so that I either am under 14 weeks, so I won't even need the shots yet, or if I am over 14 weeks and started the shots, we could sorta plan it around the trip, or teach Derrick to give it to me. I had progesterone shots with Dex weekly, and they want to keep me on the same plan for next time. Just precautionary stuff. Only thing that sucks is that it is the largest needle, and thickest weird oil stuff that injects into my butt/hip...Sometimes it hits a nerve and I can't walk, and it leaves a huge welt. It's pretty gross, but worth it. The walking part obviously blows...since I always get sciatica. Like I said before, all well worth it, but just more stressful than most peoples pregnancies. I have double the appointments as a normal person, and more chances to be freaked out since most people don't get early ultrasounds every week. It's nice, and awful all at the same time. Oh well, here's to the future ;-)

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