Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January fun!

Hi all! So this month has been an adventure! I hadn't flown for a few years, and had worked myself up for months before my 2 trips..After having Dex, my extreme hate for flying got way worse. It wasn't to the point of stopping me from doing it, just the super anxious feeling, and fear of plummeting to my death, pretty much. Thankfully I had Carly(my cousin) with me for the first trip to CA. We both hate flying, and it was a riot to see us together trying to make the other one breathe, or eat twizzlers every five seconds to remain calm. No joke. ha ha. I have to say Carly did better than myself, she might think different...but I disliked the ride greatly! Needless to say, we made it safe and sound, and had a great time visiting her sister Erin, my cousin, and her new little bundle, Wesley! That trip was difficult being away from Dex. I think it was just a day or two too long for me. Dex was in love mode when I got home, so that was nice!

My next adventure was flying to FL to meet Derrick while he was away on business. This was to be a little more crazy for me. I am sorta a wuss, to put it frankly, and was nervous to travel by myself. Of course I sucked it up, because this was going to be a great get away for us, even if only for a few days. I was new to this de-icing the plane thing. I assumed I would just get on, and quickly get to Detroit to meet my connecting flight...but rather, we de-iced for like 30-40 minutes...and I was already panicking about making the next flight. We ended up landing when my next plane would have been boarding. Derrick called me and said my next flight was delayed 2o minutes, and that I should run like hell to the next gate. Mind you I was at gate C22, needing to get to gate A66!!! Needless to say, I ran like I never ran before. Turned out my next flight was NOT delayed, and I got there 3 minutes after the initial flight time(which was AMAZING, i might add)...and the gate man shook his head sadly at me, and gave me a new ticket for 3 and a half hours later! Go figure, right? I was just happy I could still get a flight the same day. Not sure what would have happened if I couldn't. Probably would have called all my Detroit friends to come get me! Hehe. I was pretty much 1 of a few others that also missed that flight. I was looking for someone to hang out with, cuz that is me, and I am social. Luckily, a wonderful girl came and sat across from me also distressed! We pretty much just looked at each other, and said "bar?" This was great. We hung out for three hours, and she turned out to be a writer for a hair magazine, go figure, right? Yes, we are now FB friends, if you were wondering. ;) When we got on the next plane, we also were in the same row, not the same section, but just across from each other. Turns out she hated airplanes as well, even though she travels for work. We kept checking each others facial expressions, if turbulance occured. haha. I know you are thinking I am sooo lame. I don't care. I am lame, and proud, and I love meeting new people. Especially this adorable 25 year old Columbian girl, dating a jewish boy. Seriously, could it get any better? ha ha.

I lucked out having the seat next to me empty, but I had a 50 some year old man sitting in the isle seat. He wasn't shy, and let it be known I could hang out with him while my husband was working. I for sure decided to go to sleep after this, and when I woke he told me he would have bought me a drink but didn't want to wake me. I thanked him for not waking me, and that I didn't want a drink. ;) We did however discuss investments, because that was what he that was errr interesting...passed some of the time at least..maybe he was trying to explain to me how he now doesn't have to work, so he pulls money from them..and the whole time I was wondering why he was sitting in coach if he was so rich he didn't have to work...anyway....

So I made it to FL, introduced my new friend to Derrick, and said goodbye to my new bud! Derrick was proud that I didn't freak out, and made it safely. Turns out I kinda enjoyed my little traveling adventure so far.

Derrick and I immediatly went to a bar on the water at around 1am when I landed. That was fun and much needed. We met some very drunk business men in horticulture business, and let the amuse us that night. For some reason they had to tell everyone we were from MI every so often, and people were intrigued for some reason...Even though EVERYONE I met at our hotel was from MI, and everyone everywhere we went was pretty much from MI. So it was interesting..

We pretty much stayed at the hotel pool every morning, even when it was cold. I had a sweatshirt on over my suit, and laid out like this so I could at least tan my face! The other days were warmer at least! We had a great place to eat for breakfast next door, and I got smoked salmon every morning. We ate somewhere yummy for lunch and dinner each day. Food is amazing. I had seafood the whole time. We went to the awesome Hard Rock Hollywood Casino, and that took up two of our nights. We just walked around and ate at Hooters the second night. It was in the casino. We figured we already ate at the fancy place where they were serving $62 lobster. (We didn't get the lobster)

Needless to say, it was super relaxing, and we had a great time! This time however, I could have stayed longer. Dex was in great hands, and he wasn't really missing me it seemed! lol! Driving to the airport sucked the last day because I had to leave by myself again. Derrick had to stay and drive to Tampa for more work. Landing in Detroit was super depressing, I thought we had somehow detoured to Alaska. It looked like it, anyway. I was already frowning at the snow. I got home, and my dad was just about to drop off Dexter to me! They walked in the door, and he immediatly grabbed for me and hugged and hugged me. He was very happy! Then he helped me roll my luggage into the kitchen. Such a little helper. Then the excitement wore off, and he was running around playing with his toys. Ah well. Dex was also awesome for sleeping in until almost 9:20am...yay! He knew mommy needed rest from her travel day. :)

Now I wait for Derrick to come home on Friday! Hopefully not too many more biz trips coming up..(unless i get to go, hehe)

That's all she wrote!



  1. Good for you overcoming your fear!! I struggled with fear of flying for a very long one point it was so bad, I took the train cross country and didn't fly for 2 years. My brother actually had a bout with fear of flying after he had his first child too...makes sense. If it ever gets worse, I highly recommend an amazing course at this website: It was life changing for me.
    Glad you guys had had a good time, even if it was short:)
