Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Before I forget!

I have to document more this week, because Dex does so many new things so quickly, and I have to remember it all! Today he was doing way too many cool things. (at to me, anyway..) The best is that he learned to say "night night". He went up to my mom today basically asking for a nap. He is such a smartie. He is so funny because he copies everything we do, and things I don't realize that he picks up on. Today he found a dryer sheet on the floor...and he started going around to all the glass tables wiping them with (he must have copied that from and then he took it and started rubbing it in the carpet vigorously...which made me laugh, because Derrick is always trying to get the carpet super clean when Dex spills or myself....and Dex does watch him clean the carpet. A LOT.

There were things I thought prior to being a parent..that I see now is just craziness..but I never knew how hard it would be to do even things around the house, because at this age, they want you in there sight at almost all times. Even, then....I can be in the kitchen outside of his baby gate, and he will be upset because he can't get to me. He will scream and hold his hands up till I pick him up. And let me tell you, it is NOT easy to do dishes with a huge 14 month old on your already horrible hips. (let me remind you...there is still no baby gate at our i can't just set him down...our stairs were built before new children safety codes I believe. You can't just put the gate will have to be rigged somehow because of the railing...and we will have to put mesh stuff around the slats as he doesn't fall through...needless to say..due to my back becoming that of a 90 year old woman..this must get done asap.)

Being the tv junky that I am, I also thought..I will so be able to watch a show or two in the background while playing with Dex...obviously that will be just fine. NOT SO MUCH. I don't think I have had anything but baby programs on for the past 3 months. I put on the Ellen show one day, and he brought me the remote basically yelling at me to change it to his dvd. How do I know this is what he wanted, you ask? Because he pointed at the tv yelling with one hand and had the remote flailing at the dvd player in the other. He knows you have to point it at the dvd player to work..but he doesn't understand how to do that yet..Being Derricks son, I am sure he will know soon. He knows how to press play on the dvd player itself though...which cracks us up...because if the tv isn't on..he keeps trying to press play thinking it will work. He is so funny.

Another cute thing he did today was helping me take some ornaments down. Just the ones at the bottom he could reach. It was so cute because he wanted to hang them back on the tree, because he knew they were supposed to be there, but he would just place them on a branch because he didn't know how to hook them on. I am telling you, the kid is a genius. lol.

I started showing him these flashcards with pictures of things you see every day so he could start to learn more..and I showed him the picture of the airplane, and he grabbed the card from me, ran to the window, and started looking up at the sky pointing! lol! He thought I was telling him there was an airplane outside because tons fly over my parents house, and they always show him all the airplanes. C'mon, he is seriously awesome at comprehension.(and they say baby formula isn't as good as breast milk...jk..i know it is..hehe, but still, didn't affect my babe!) I'm not even sure who "they" are...but they are out there..haha

Alright. I think I got it all down...

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