Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Monday, December 20, 2010


Holidays are here, and they are way more fun now with Dex. When we put the lights on the tree, it was awesome to see his little face light up as well. I can't wait till he opens his presents on Christmas Eve with the family. We are having Christmas Eve at our house this year with both our immediate familys. Christmas Day up at Silver Lake with Derricks extended family, and the Day after in Grand Haven with my Step-father in laws family. They have an enormous family get together of around 40 people. So it should be pretty crazy.

What is Dex doing these days you ask? Well, let's see here. Lately he likes to ask for his baabaa in a whisper. For some reason he thinks it's pretty funny to say "baabaa" in a hushed voice, like it's some awesome secret only the two of us know. He understands full sentences, and it always amazes me to see if he will follow through with what I say. For instance, "Do you wanna give the treat to the doggy?" and then he looks at me all excited and takes the treat over to her. Or, "Do you wanna come sit on my lap?" and he gets all excited and lifts his arms for me to pick him up. Or, "Do you wanna go find Daddy?" and then he usually squeals with delight. It's probably his favorite thing to do. He knows daddy has a mancave, so that is usually his first spot to look. He pushes the door open squealing and almost sounding like he is talking in tongues sometimes. Creepy I know. He better learn to talk soon. He is getting good at mimicking. He was watching a kid program and they were saying letters, and he said the letter "R" right back. He also knows how to say "moo" for a cow...and for meow, he says something like "maww" for a cat. We also have a farm book, and he can point out the tractor each time.

He does so many cute things I feel the need to document it all, so I can always remember it. He was tickling grandpas feet the other day, which was super fun for him. He also is a clever little guy, and was looking through a book, and the litte bear was was upside down so he turned the book around so the bear would be right side up. He felt accomplished after that. Dex is also obsessed with the Einstein Dvds which we are going to have to cut back on! It got to the point where the tv wouldn't even be on, and he would come up to me with the remote whining..and I was like..hmmm...I don't think so..So we are trying to limit that, because we would just have it on in the background for him because of the classical music. But he gets so warped into it, he just sorta stands there in a daze.
Dex also loves playing in his new tunnel with Triz the cat. Triz is everywhere Dex is since he was a new born. They are good buddies, except when Dex touches the cat wrong and he attacks him with his claws..but other than that...they love each other dearly.

Now, off to nap before the little one gets up from his.

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