Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's been awhile!

So, life has been hectic! We have been back and forth seeing my Zayde. Dex still has not gotten to meet him. I visited with him this past weekend and he looked weaker. I broke down crying while rubbing his arm. I tried to contain myself but it was too difficult. I told him it scared me to see him like that. He understood. He did say a few words during that visit and sorta still had a sense of humor. He nicknamed Derrick "sure shot" after I got pregnant, and yelled it out as Derrick walked into the hospital room. hehe. That was pretty funny. He had a breathing treatment while we were there, and that tuckered him out. Dex got to meet other family members this trip around to chicago and that was fun. We just wish there was a way for him to meet his great grandpa still. The other day Zayde was rushed to the ICU and he was hallucinating for a bit. That was kinda scary. They calmed him down and gave him a sleeping pill. My dad rushed down there today to see how he was doing. It turned out he needed a chest tube to suck out all the extra fluid, and it made him feel a little better and he was able to eat! That is something positive! We will take anything we can get!
Dex helps us all get through this hard time. Just him laughing or talking his funny talk to us lifts our spirits super high! He is an amazing little baby. Cousin Carly had him laughing his butt off last weekend. It was awesome. He has found his feet and loves to pretend to cough. He thinks that is pretty funny. He isn't mobile yet, which we are happy with. We are not ready for this little guy to be all over the place! He loves to stand. That is is favorite. We just hold him up and he is happy as can be. I dunno if maybe that means he might walk before he crawls..we will see!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got to visit Zayde again, and I hope he gets better. It made me sad to hear her was back in ICU. Dex is so cute! I love that photo of his big smile up at the top. He looks like a doll. :)
