Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The path to healthier living

Since having Dex life has been lots easier mentally. Thinking back to everything that happened with Cora made me see who my true friends really are, and I look at life in a whole new light. It was like the blinds were finally lifted, if that makes sense. Little things don't matter. Life is short, and it's time I started living again! I am going to get my body healthy now, since my mind is finally healing, and I am going to get out of the house and back into the community. I will say good-bye to my old friend, "couch"....and say hello to my new friend "outside"....I just started working out with a personal trainer, and am excited to get myself healthy and in shape. This is a step I couldn't do without some help. I never have worked out or have done sports, so I wouldn't have a clue where to start without help. I feel this will make me a better parent as well, and have lots more energy. Another thing I want to challenge myself with, is to cut cheese out of my diet. For those of you who know me really well, I don't go a day without it! I am going a month without, and am hoping to see if my body will show some results from that as well. I figure I will reintroduce it slowly, but I might be grossed out by it after a month without it...(yeah right, what am i thinking, i will still love it..) So that is what the plan is for now. Little Dex will have a hot mom, and Derrick will be excited to have a hot wife again with the same body from highschool..(that's what I'm hoping!)


  1. You can do it! You don't have too long of a way to go. One tip that helps me stay motivated: Get yourself a calendar and some fun stickers, and put a sticker on each day that you do your planned workout. That way, at the end of the month, you can look at it and see how much you actually did and what days you tend to skip. I'm sure with a trainer, it'll be much easier to stay on track though anyway.

  2. too cool Erin, I just may! My thighs already hurt so bad! haha...owchy...i'm such a wuss..
