Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loving Change! has been busy! Since starting training I have finally used my muscles again, or basically for the first time..Not like I did sports or anything, ever. I am excited to see results in a few months! My diet is getting easier..but I have to get creative. I had shredded chicken in lettuce wrapped up last night..and salmon for lunch. I get to have a snack in between, so it's not like I'm's just that my body is craving frenchfries, and nuttybars.Argh! Not having bread is ok, I never really liked how full it made me feel. Derrick likes to still have yucky stuff in the house which does not help me I may have to get rid of it all! My trainer is pretty cool, he isn't pushing me too crazy just yet. I am eating around 1200 calories a day right now..but it is ok, cuz I am basically eating all day.
Little Dex has turned 3 months! Can you believe it! He is cooing up a storm, and laughing! He really knows who his mommy is now! If someone else is holding him, he follows my voice around the room with his eyes. It's too cute! He loves bath time and splashing his feet in the water! Last night he decided to suck on his pointer fingers. He cringes when he bites down too hard! We are so lucky to have such a good baby!He only gets fussy for about a 5 minute stretch, until we figure out what the issue is. He enjoys watching the tv, which helps me out tons when I gotta make food, or clean, etc. Just pop him in the swing and he is content as can be! I usually find him talking to the screen. I still have not been really taking him out much unless it's to my families houses, doc appt's, or a friends house. I am just waiting till it is nicer out to use the stroller finally! Can u believe we haven't had a chance to use it yet?? I guess I wouldn't use it in the slushy snow, though. I hope we have a summer baby next time! Although at least in the winter one can hide the baby fat...hmmm...
Basically, life is going pretty good! We get to go out tonight for Derrick and Dj's birthday party at Craigs Cruisers, and then go downtown for drinks! Grandma will be happy to have a whole night with Dex tonight. That might be hard for me because I always put him down for the night. :( Oh well..I will see him when I get home, hopefully sleeping peacefully!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun tonight, and tell Derrick I wish him a happy birthday! I'm glad your training is going well and the diet, too. I finally am able to exercise again, and it is so nice. I am surprised at how much I missed it!
