Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Friday, November 30, 2012

14 weeks of our new life! (written a few weeks ago)

Just a brief blog for those who may be interested.

 Life is crrrrazy! Derrick and I obviously like to keep busy for some reason, even though we feel bogged down. Work hard, play hard. We have been go, go, go.

Derrick took up that fitness program, Insanity...and is in a soccer league. I do private lessons of Pilates, and am looking into other healthy avenues as well. I want to try Zumba, and some other group classes.I just tried my Latina Zumba dvds tonight, and I am in heaven. If you know me well, you know I wish I was Latina/o? I feel like since I have been working on my core, I feel a lot stronger, and more confident to be around others in a class now.

 Derrick works full-time, and I am still part-time, and doing my photography on the side. There is a lot of trading of children so we can get the things done we need to. At least the things we are doing either involve getting healthy, or making some more $$$.

Dex started Preschool a few weeks ago, and once there, loves it. The first few times he was begging to go, but the teachers said he could get sad down the road and show some hesitation later..which he has. Usually the day before he says, "I don't want to go to school!" When he gets inside, he is just fine. He is POTTY TRAINED!! It's like right when he turned 3, it clicked. He wears a diaper to bed, and if we have to go out for awhile we put a diaper on him, but I'm not sure if we need to take a potty seat with us or something?? He doesn't like to sit on the big potty without a kid seat. I'm sure we will figure that out eventually...or just never take him out, lol. He pottys at Preschool which is awesome, and has even napped there for two hours. It's weird when your child does things that you think are out of his comfort zone.

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