Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wook at dis, Momma!

Dexter is a riot. He usually picks a new slogan for the week, and we just LOVE IT. Up at the cottage, Chels and I were laughing the whole time. Every 5 minutes it was, "Wook at dis! Wook at dat one, Momma! Wook at that Jeep! Wook it boat! I go on boat? Mmm hmm! I ride that jeep? Oh, that not Dadas Jeep? I ride dat one? No? That not Dada Jeep. Kai ride Dadas jeep? Red jeep? Wook a bird! Wook chelchee, big water! Then we asked him to say, "La". He says, "Ya". Why are some L's W, and some Y? It was pretty funny. For instance, "I Yuv you!"

Another phrase over the weekend, "No Papa throw Detder in the lake" (Whenever Dexter got a little feisty, Grampa would tell him he would throw him in the lake, this got Dexter to obey us sometimes at least. lol) Dexter also got really excited when Grandma put Crystal Light in his cup. He walked around to everyone at the cottage saying, "I got Crystal Light!!" "Wook, I got Crystal Light!" I'm sure everyone was super excited for him...He acted like he won the lotto, lol. Another funny line was us asking him, "Dexter, what noise does Great Gamma make?" Dexter would reply, (not sure how to type an open mouth snore noise) something like "Hunhhh, huhhhha" He woke up one morning around 4am, looked at me, and says "Momma, what dat?" I was like, "That is Great Gramma sleeping"..So he started mimicking her at 4am, and I couldn't stop laughing. In the morning he told everyone what he heard. We all were cracking up. So I started asking him what everyone else sounded like. I said, "What does momma sound like?" He said, "Sit dowwwn nowww!". He really said this. Stop laughing. I hate you all.

Our little guy is a talking machine, and he is also not aware of "stranger, danger". He will go off with anyone, talk to anyone, play with anyone...he just "likes to party". We were in McDonalds, and I was watching him play on the play area...and I look over again, and he grabs some kids daddys hand and starts walking him around the place talking to him. The dad was about my age, and looked at me sorta laughing, but at least appeasing Dexter. I was like, not again. He loves dad guys. If we go to a park, he finds any dad-ish guy and has to talk to him about cars and airplanes, and show him his toy cars, etc...Everyone is usually nice, but I'm not sure how to explain that not everyone wants to hear his stories on what his toy car or choo choo does. Or the difference between a monster truck and a race car. Or his helicopter verses his spinny helicopter.

Going to the grocery store Dex has the same chatterbox issue. Every person we pass he must start a conversation. He says hi to everyone, or he will show people what we have in our cart. For instance, I will be pushing him in the cart, and he will shout to someone, "I got apples!". Or, "Wook! I got fruity snacks!" People usually laugh, and I just shake my head and watch my adorable son make people smile. The check out ladies love him because he has to help put everything on the belt. He tells them, "We pay pay now?" They say, "yup, it's time to pay pay". He is the only part about grocery shopping that is fun.

Back to the cottage. Dexters obsession with Jeeps. We will have to get him a jeep power wheel soon, so he can be cool like daddy. Derrick took Dex out on the dunes for the very first time this past weekend. I wish I coulda gone, but it's not safe to go up with all the bumps, and my bump. This year Dex was big enough, and I couldn't wait to hear how he liked it. Derrick got back and all I heard was Dexter crying and saying, "One more jeep, dada!? ONE MORE!" He wanted to go back on the dunes. ASAP. lol. I think he liked it. He calmed down once I asked him to tell me about it. He said, "BIG sand dunes! Bumpy! Too fast! I said dada, no fast!"  I guess Daddy tried to go a little too quickly on the dunes, and Dex was like..I'm cool, but not that cool, yet.

He loves the cottage, end of story.

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