Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Monday, May 14, 2012

28 weeks later(not to be confused with 28 days later)

28 weeks!! We made it!! What a fabulous number! Now I have to be patient, and cook this little girl a lot longer yet....such suspense!

Things are going a lot better this past week with my hips. Maybe they got all their stretching over with. Now I feel baby up in my rib cage. I always feel like a foot is stuck in my upper right rib. Who knows, I am not sure...could just be my fat getting caught in my ribs. Either or it helps to change position to fix that scenario. I still sleep pretty good, so that is nice.

 I feel Wrenly kick most at night still, but she makes her presence known more often. She moves around when I have any Chai Latte's or a Coke. I endulge in one of these once or twice a week. I had a coke the other day and it was SO DIVINE. I am not a pop drinker, since I am a juice-a-holic...but every now and then, a COKE from a fountain! OMG. I down milk like it's going outta style because of my fabulous heartburn. I subconsciously think milk will help, but it never does, and I always end up going for the bottle of  antacids.

Dex felt the baby move yesterday and took his hand away quick. I guess the men in the fam think it's too creepy. They are dumb.

I have been more than antsy with this pregnancy, and have had to read books on my kindle to get through my boredom of waiting/brain over thinking what is to come. Do not judge me on the awesome mixture of material I have been reading during this Here is a list from the past 7 months:
                                                           -Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings
                                                          -Game of Thrones/A Storm of Swords
                                                          -Game of Thrones/A Dance with Dragons
                                                          -Game of Thrones/A Feast for Crows
                                                           -50 Shades Darker
                                                           -50 Shades Freed
                                                           -50 Shades of Grey
                                                            -Beautiful Disaster
                                                            -On the Island
                                                            -Afterlife:A Fall of Angels
                                                             -The Descendants
                                                             -City of Ashes
                                                             -City of Glass
                                                              -The Host
                                                              -Midnight Sun
                                                              -Hunger Games Trilogy
Game of Thrones alone has proved to be the most challenging dang books to get through...that did not help my antsyness......nevertheless, there is a 6th book coming out that might clear some things up a bit...we will see. Stupid author better get back on track.

Feel free to read any of these books...They aren't all that great, but they are quick reads that take your mind off of whatever, for a bit.

News on Dexter: He can count to 15, but lots of times he likes to be silly and say "1, 2, 7, 9, 11!" He knows I will roll my eyes, and tell him to say it the right eventually he will cave, he just likes to not listen to me. He knows his alphabet, and can sing the normal kid songs, like twinkle twinkle, and itsy bitsy spider.....and he knows "you are my sunshine"........"wheels on the bus"...etc....He likes to hold my hand when we walk, and if I just give him one finger to hold, he says "five momma!" because he wants my whole hand. When we are in a parking lot he knows to look out for cars, he usually says, "momma car coming!" So he is getting the gist of that. His latest thing he says is "what's that?!" He wants to know what everything is. He actually is saying sentences now that sound more adult-ish. Instead of just shouting "cookie!" It's more like, "please can I have cookie??" (can I, usually sounds like kai)

He is doing/learning so much lately it's hard to keep track, and keep up! We went to the Gathering Place today (breakfast place) and I was ordering food for Dexter, and he looked at the waitress before she left and yelled, "apples!"...It was just really funny and took us all off guard, because I forgot my son was a little human and could order what he wanted, not what I thought he wanted. He likes to speak for himself, so I am learning that now he can! One of his other favorite things is going grocery shopping with me..( i still loathe that, but it's fun taking him). He loves to put all the food on the conveyor belt, and he likes to make sure the check out lady sees him helping mommy. He knows you have to pay the lady before you can take the items, so it's neat to see his little brain connect these things.

He also likes to reenact anything that happens in our day. For instance, my car was "broke" today, since it wouldn't turn on. So we explain these things to him. Later in the day, his toy car was broke, so he said he needed tools to fix it. Just lots of stuff like that. The other night he was being dramatic, so Derrick said, "Are you a prima donna?" Dexter replied, "I not Donna, I Dexter"

Potty Training- He totally regressed on the potty training. It wasn't cool anymore. He was almost potty trained at 18 months, and then he recently became bored with the whole thing. He did go on the potty last night to try to stall going to bed..but it isn't consistent. I'm just waiting for him to be interested again. I am gonna try the potty chart this time for something new, instead of candy.

ok byee

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