Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


As if mother nature hasn't messed with me enough decided to throw me some curve balls. I was working all day, went to the bathroom and saw RED blood. Prior to this the past few weeks I have been spotting just old brown blood...which is supposedly normal. The doctor and nurses told me, if it's brown, you are all good, if it's red, please call us. Great, right?? So I call the doctor, and she says "well, sometimes people bleed, and I think you will be just fine because we saw the heart beat a few days ago"...needless to say it is hard to set the mind at ease when you are bleeding while pregnant...right? I basically went home to rest and put my feet up, which doesn't really work well with a 1 year I ended up chasing him for awhile...until Derrick took over and played with him and put him to bed.
I have a pretty busy day again tomorrow, but my stylists have been doing pretty well with helping me shampoo or style my clients after I cut or color them. It helps so I can sit for those minutes at least. I didn't think I would have to start this early with getting "help". But I have learned to screw what people think, and just listen to my body. Everyone has an opinion either or, and this time I don't care what people think. I don't carry babies well, and if I need to take it easy, I will. With Cora I was working 40 hour weeks, no help, and look where it got me. I knew my body was sore, but everyone kept telling me.." so and so worked till full term, or nurses can do it, so suck it up, etc"...This time, and with Dex...I could care less now what people think. My staff is so supportive which is amazing..I guess we will just hope the blood doesn't keep coming back..that would make me feel better...

1 comment:

  1. Every body is different and every woman carries differently. You just listen to YOUR body and do what you need to. It's not worth taking risks if you can avoid them. Even the smallest things that make you feel weary are important. No shame in taking the best care of yourself that you can. I have my fingers crossed for you. I know how scary blood is, and I just want you to be reassured that everything is going perfectly. Let me know when you get any updates!
