Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Saturday, February 26, 2011

7 weeks

So I am 7 weeks, a little more tired. Still no sickness. This really does worry me...I was sick with the other two pregnancies...maybe I am just a trooper now, and used to it. I make sure to have food and drink by my bed...get a nap in when Dex does...who knows. It is still early..morning sickness could still come. It's just weird. I feel like I am in denial, and don't even feel pregnant..which also scares me..just a few more weeks till the ultrasound...ugh. I don't mind if people know that we are pregnant this early, if something happens, we will still tell people. It looks like so far we are due October 15th. So I had a baby in Dec, Nov, and now Oct....looks like I am going backwards..if we ever have another it should prob be due in Sept.(jk, i think 2 is the max)
My current baby is the size of a blueberry.

~7 weeks 1 day...just glad derrick is home to help when I need to take a nap. Dex still loves being carried, so I know that will have to dwindle the next few months... :(

~another day another freak out. Just want to know everything in here is growing ok. I feel pretty great, and that still worries me. Pregnancy is rough emotionally, people. I hope men reading this understand just how scary it all is. My mind is just so focused on knowing if things are ok, and how badly I want to share with the world everything going on...Not sure if I will share next week, or after the ultrasound...I am not one to hold things in. I have told lots of you already, but how can I not share with my friends? I would feel like I was hiding something, which I just don't do....Soon enough. I would love the next month to fly..

~8 weeks...spotting just once. I had this with Dex, but as one knows..spotting is pretty normal, or can maybe mean you are going to have a miscarriage....or could be an ectopic pregnancy...a missed miscarriage, or a molar pregnancy..... pretty awesome, huh?! Oh the joy! I seriously had blood clots come out while pregnant with Dex at around 5 or 6 weeks.....which was horribly scary, and I had gone to the ER, and it was too early to really see anything just a week later I went to my doctor, and they saw Dexs little heart beating at 6 weeks and 3 days old! So now I wait until Thursday for my ultrasound with this baby, and hope there is a heartbeat as well. Doctor didn't seem to worried about the little blood I saw hopefully that stays at bay. I have been telling friends, family, and some clients about my pregnancy already, and it's nice to have people prayin for ya :)
Even though it's early, I already have my normal annoying symptoms...the first being my hips...they start killing almost right away..I assumed I had already spread a little from the past two pregnancies...seriously!? They just feel sore already. My other symptom is crying at everything. I still haven't gotten sick, and I just sometimes don't know what sounds good to eat...but I still find it scary I haven't puked yet. I seriously am a puker, so this is odd. I have a pretty sensitive stomach. Other symptoms...just needing fluids all the time..if I don't get enough I get a little light headed. I find it more challenging to take care of myself while having a 16 month old running rampant around me....So I really have to focus and make sure I eat and drink and not forget.I also run outta the house quickly to work, and sometimes forget food. If I am busy at work, my wonderful, beautiful coworkers will sometimes run out and grab me something. (luv you guys!)
Hmmm...what else...I haven't thought too hard yet about where this babies room will be, or how we will make it so Dex won't wake up hearing a screaming baby...once we know all is ok, we will go there...
It's been hard thinking about having two kids. I mean wow. TWO?! Eeeeek! Then I see a commercial for diapers or something and the little baby on the screen, and I just melt. It's so amazing! Coolest thing ever was giving birth to Dex. (It was cool cuz I couldn't feel anything, thank god!)...
(giving birth to Cora...was like...I can't describe it..I don't want to say the worst thing in the world, but more of a defining moment in my was for sure the most painful physically and emotionally part of my life...but it happened, and that is that..It happened, it feels like it happen to someone else..I know I have pictures of her, and I see us holding her and everything...but it doesn't seem feels like I was watching someone else's story.. If all goes well with this baby, I will have given birth three times..that really seems so strange to me as well...and in such a short span of time..from 08-11....three babies....can you comprehend this?

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