Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, March 24, 2013


First things child has been sleeping through the night. I don't want to jump the gun, since it's only been 3 nights, BUT I am getting used to this. It's fricking sweet, I am not gonna lie. I know in a few weeks, she will be screaming in pain while her teeth poke through, but I am just going to be in denial about that.

Little Miss Wren decided to crawl at 7 months, and has kept us pretty busy. It must be a golden rule that all babies must go near all electrical devices, and cords. I could lay out 10 of her toys all around her, and she will still bolt for the tv wires. She isn't as into my phone as Dexter was, but she really wants to bang on the laptop, and tv stand. She has this odd thing of banging on everything like she is playing the bongos. She only does this with her right hand, so it sorta looks like she knows what she is doing. She will hold an item, like a box, or something, and just bang away with her right hand. Or, she will use her paci as the instrument and bang it on something over and over again. I keep wondering if she has a nerve problem, because that arm never quits!

Eating is fine for now. She will eat anything I give her. The only one time she made a face was when I gave her that baby yogurt. Not sure if she liked that texture yet. I tried it again and she ate more, but she didn't seem as excited, like when she gets carrots, or peas with brown rice. Weird, I know. Crossing fingers she likes more food than Dex.

She loves to laugh at Daddy, and likes to have noise wars with me. We just are loud back and forth, and try to get the other one to laugh and make another weird sound. It's a favorite game of ours to play. Lately she doesn't like if I leave the room while she is in our bouncy thing. Usually she is on my hip at all times. Baby on hip laundry aerobics, baby on hip dish washing aerobics, baby on hip cleaning aerobics..............
Little Miss also enjoys bath time.(I don't give her one every night, but she would love that) There just isn't enough time sometimes. My whole house are bath people. We all enjoy the relaxing time in a bubble bath. I just have to get a hundred toys out before I can fully relax. Note to self: Remember next time to make sure house has at least TWO tubs. We have 3 showers, which is great, but KIDS go in tubs, and I go in tubs. ONE TUB = not cool when it is connected to Wrens room and directly across from Dexters room. TUB OBSESSED = ME. (that is usually when i have time to talk on the phone with my friends, lol)

All in all, Wren is an easy one for now. She just goes with the flow. We carry her around the mall, and people always come up to us because of her eyes. (just like they did with Dex!) She passes out anywhere. She takes her 2-3 naps a day, and just goes down. She doesn't fight anything, but rather is happy to get her beauty sleep. She went from colic satan baby, to angel baby of awesomeness.

What's new with Dex?? He eats more than he used to. Or at least I think he does..or I am just used to feeding him more of the stuff he does eat. He eats, so he is alive, and that is good.

He was potty trained by his 3rd birthday, and wears underwear to bed. He pees before he goes to bed, and he is good through the night. He is so weird though. I have noticed that he will sit to poop, and then get up, and stand up to pee. He has always liked standing to pee, and it is weird. He is so short! He stands on his toes and sorta hangs it over....LOL. Sorry, tmi. It's just funny as heck to me.

 I did look into a different preschool for him, though. We are paying a little bit too much, and this other one I looked into offered more for less money. I hate to pull him from Tutor Time where he is comfortable, but I am sure he will get used to it in time. He really liked the new playground, so maybe that will get him all excited. He seemed fine when we went to visit! It's called Big Steps Little Feet. ;-)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ode to Yoga pants

I just wanted to express my deepest devotion to stretchy pants. I guess I am tired of people dogging on people who wear pajamas out in public. Personally, I love to be comfy all the time. Going to the bar in sweat pants and a sweatshirt, hell yeah.

Yoga pants are worn to make women feel better about their ASSets. They can smooth out a flabby stomach, or perk up a saggy butt. Ya gotta have at least 10 pairs of these things if you have young kids. You will be spit up on, peed on, boogied on, and pooped on. These things get dirty quick. Ya gotta have a back up. Also, you will be on the floor playing with your kids, changing diapers, and running around trying to do laundry or dishes. Wearing jeans in this in between losing weight phase is a big no-no. Plumber butt will always creep up on you while you are sitting down.(since you forgot how old you are now, and low rise is a thing of the past). They are just not comfortable while you still have a muffin on top, and did you really go buy a new pair yet, before you lost your desired weight?? I'm thinking, no.

Maternity pants are a big YES, even 7 months after giving birth. Hell yes I still wear them. I am not ashamed. I am not the 2% of people that look like super models after they give birth. I am friends with everyone in the 2% range, though, and I applaud them, and want to feed them cheeseburgers and fries....but am happy for them, sorta.

Living in work out gear will tend to remind you to work out, at least. I found that I love going to the gym. If anything, I get peace and quiet outside of my house, and it is super relaxing. Don't get me wrong, I do work out there, but sometimes I do just think about bringing a book, and hanging out in the locker room.

Did not think it would be this difficult to lose the weight after baby #2...or 3 or technically #4. I keep having to remind myself..I gave birth 3 times, and one miscarriage. This body needs some serious work! (plastic surgery work, that is) I have nothing against that! If things still aren't looking up to par in the next few years...Boob job here I come!

You make think I am superficial, but guess what? I totally am. I would love to look like the old me again from 5 years ago. After having kids, things surely change, and it's hard to get used to. People are so annoying, no offense..."you look great!" "what, you don't need to lose weight?!" lol. Please. (I am guilty of saying this to others as well..but seriously, they look know you do!)

So, the yoga pants shall be worn until things start getting firm. They have been my best friend, and I will keep them around as long as needed.

If you have a pregnant friend about to give birth, skip the lotion and body wash gift, get that girl some dang yoga pants!