Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Monday, August 6, 2012


For those who would like to know: We arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm. Got settled in for a bit, turned on Harry Potter..(Derrick put that on). I was on the IPAD bored, waiting for nurse to do something. I got hooked up with the baby monitor thing on my belly. Lab came and took blood and hooked up my IV. Sat around again. Nurse checked to see if I was dilated or not. I was a 2, and 80% effaced. I asked her, " Do you think I will still need pitocin?" She was like "aww honey, probably, only about 4% of people end up not having the pitocin in these cases"..I was like "hmmm...okkkk...." Nurse came back and put a pill into my (area) to soften my cervix and gave me an ambien. I had been having my normal contractions that I usually do at night from laying down. Wren hated me to be laying on my back...and they kept coming. They were 2-5 min apart. Very quickly they became stronger. I told the nurse these were getting quite strong, and she goes "yeah, that will happen"....I was like "okk....".... THEN, they were unbearable to the point I was like "Derrick, this is not good, I can't get through these ones",(and there were no breaks in between...) It was continuous, and I called the nurse, unable to even focus because I was by that point pretty much screaming. They sent the anesthesiologist in, and she goes, "do u want me to check you?" "HELLoooo, YES, i want you to check me!" They could barely get me on my back , and she goes "ohh! She is almost past 4 cm"...At this point they were trying to get me to a sitting position...I was pretty much not able to do anything but scream at this point and pray to whatever god that would listen. They kept telling me to breathe....but there was no chance of that. I started to try to push the baby out because it felt like that was the only way to feel better. They told me to put my legs together and to stop pushing till the doc got there. If I could have laughed, I would have. They got me on my back, and were like. "omg, the baby is coming...but she was just a 4?! well shes beyond a 10 now!" "PUSH!" and push I did, and break Derricks arm, I almost did. Derrick had been pacing the whole time prior and the nurse told him to sit down. Wren popped right out. (hurt like a bitch, though). They quickly gave me Vicodin and motrin. Didnt mix well with ambien...I was too drugged up and in pain to hold her right away. Derrick got to spend time with her, but I had to wait till this morning. Felt so much better when I woke up...besides my ASS that kills. omg. So that is how it went down. She was born at 2:12am.....started contracting around 11:30ish...under 3 hours. LOL!!!

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