Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Silver Lake/Hot as a Preggo Mother!

35 weeks and 5 days pregnant. 92 degrees. Cottage on the lake with no AC. A toddler who doesn't listen, and is cranky from the heat. Sand caked to everyone because all one could do is sit in the water. No one really wanting to eat cuz we all felt so gross. Dex only drank juice and milk, he barely touched any food. (besides a sucker, of course). Derrick sleeping on the couch dying of heat. Dex and I on a full size bed together, but he was of course taking up the whole bed, while I was in pain because I couldn't move around with him attached to my body, and my hips were inflamed. Also, my child is obsessed with blankets, and doesn't understand they make you I kept trying to pull his blanket off him, and he would cry..even though he was dripping sweat.
Me, sleeping with a bag of ice, like you would a stuffed animal. Me, waking up hugging a bag of water, lol. Finally put a fan in front of every room, cuz we borrowed two from our fam down the lake. Fans helped a little, but still felt yucky. Derricks parents were in the other room, also feeling yucky. Chelsea was in the loft, also dying of the heat.

In all the years we have gone to the cottage, it has NEVER been like this. We always bring a sweatshirt and jeans for night time, cuz it always gets way cool out. This week, we were all trying to wear as little as possible.

One funny incident was when Chelsea was trying to text everyone at 2am. The loft is above the garage outside of the main cottage. It looks like a little mini 70's apartment. She wanted to get out and come inside to go to the bathroom, but there were raccoon's trying to attack her on the stairs, and they were hissing at her! I didn't know until the next day. Luckily Steve got the text and went out there to scare them off. I was pretty bummed I didn't get to witness any of it. The texts in the morning were pretty funny, though. "help! animals are trying to get me!"

It was great seeing the family at least. Dex loves hanging with his 6 cousins, and it's a great thing for Derrick and I to have them all as little babysitters. They just take him and go play. The other cool thing is Dex being able to watch them swim with no fear, and to play in the water, and jump in. Dex was such a daredevil this trip. He was going into the deep deep water, and wanting to be by them. We put on his little life jacket, and we went in the deep parts, and he wanted to swim back and forth to each of us. It was so cute! He still despises water in his eyes, but so do I...You will rarely see me ever go under water. We both must have really sensitive eyes. He will most likely get better with this, but for now, it's ok.

As for me, the water helped my body a lot. It was very comfortable floating around the water all day every day. It's the night time that screwed my hips up all over again...

I ended up spending one day at Aunt Martha and Uncle Mikes house, cuz they told me to come over and relax in the AC. I ended up staying there until around 5pm, and I had slept a few hours there as well. It was heavenly. Derrick and I also took a few air conditioned drives around the lake, so Dex could also cool off. Each time, he passed out completely.

At one point, Derrick was playing games on his laptop with one fan in front of him, I was on my IPAD reading a book, with a fan in front of me, and Chels was on my kindle with a fan in front of her. We thought we looked pretty whiny....considering people are in much worse circumstances, and here we are with all our electronic devices and personal fans......We looked like such babies with the heat, but was pretty bad!

Anyway, onto the pregnancy. Not much to report, just the waiting game! I am staying put until this baby comes. I shall clean and organize the house some more, and I will pack my overnight bag this week. Then I shall stare at the wall until contractions start. I may be staring at the wall for a few weeks. Someone come by and entertain me...cuz I'm not leaving the AC...unless it is to Spoonlickers...or work.

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