Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Friday, December 4, 2015

I just can't hold it in.

Please do not read further if you get pissed off about peoples views on the current issues going on in the world. I for one am having a difficult time with everything happening. I am so ANGRY. What is wrong with all these psychos??!!

 First off, we gotta talk about guns. Everyone knows the stats in our country by now. It's posted everywhere. Guns are a fucking problem. They are in terrible peoples hands. I am not AGAINST them. I repeat, I am NOT AGAINST guns. My friends own them, we own them, my family owns them. Keep your guns, I am not directing this at you. BUT, WE DO NEED SOME RULES. WE DO NEED BACKGROUND CHECKS. If you, my friend, are a felon...SORRY! I do not give a crap about you. That is YOUR fault, and you shouldn't be able to purchase guns. If you are a law abiding all means, buy all the guns you want. I am assuming you are smart, and keep them locked up away from children. If you for some reason have been clinically diagnosed with certain mental issues....I kinda think that should be cause for some concern in purchasing guns. So far, these two laws I could stand by.

This statement: "Even if you implement gun control, people will still be able to obtain guns illegally!"

Ummmm.....OBVIOUSLY! Will it be a little more difficult? Yeah. Should be make Heroin legal? People are still using it, and getting it illegally. Listen, it's not about "controlling guns"'s about being fucking smarter about it.

Here is a quote that kinda hit me: Not all gun owners are gun nuts, but if your hobby, which is actually what the vast majority of gun owners in this country use there guns for (target shooting, not self defense or hunting) is more important to you than the lives of innocent women and children, then yes, you most certainly have a terrible sickness in your heart, mind and soul. 

Think about it. Everyones praying this will go all go away, yet no one wants to help our country make a change? Why? It's really worth it to sit back and just do nothing? What is YOUR solution, then? YOU, law abiding citizen. YOU MAY OWN YOUR GUNS STILL. For the rest of the population that are using guns for reasons other than hobby, home protection, and target practice I for one, would like to make guns harder for you to get. This is not going to stop terrorism...this is not going to stop people from still murdering people......but it will be a start to maybe dwindling the numbers. Why not try it out?

I am a parent. These shootings are happening everywhere, and in random spots, and any given time.

Again, I ask, what is YOUR solution? So far our government is not protecting us. The war is already here, and it's turning americans against each other now. Republicans and Democrats have always been fighting, but now it's just getting worse. Not sure how we can stand united when we have a line dividing us. So much hatred being shown to our own President/ our own people. It's insane to me.

I am not coming from a political angle. I don't really follow politics that much. I'm just speaking from a human view.

I just don't care anymore if people don't like me or what I have to say. I really just don't.