Little lady changes every day. From colic to sweetest/easiest baby ever, to all of a sudden running at 10 months, to turning into sassy pants, being Miss Independent, to NEVER SITTING STILL....being a little comedian, to pointing and yelling at items she wants, to tantruming over the slightest thing..We have concluded, she be cray cray.
She has started mimicking people lately, and trying to sound out words. She says momma, dadda, and baba all the time..but recently she said bye bye, wow, night night, and mine. It's so cute because she says it exaggerated. For instance, wow. She opens her mouth super wide, and her eyes get all huge, and she sorta whisper/yells it. It's pretty funny.

Dex has the coolest teacher, and I love his school. This summer they had the fire department come, they have done tons of water activities, tie dyed shirts, painted with m&ms, had puppet shows, melted crayon art, etc...It's sweet! I want to be in his class! The other kids in his class know me well now, and they always congregate around me when I pick Dex up. They all talk at once, and I have to concentrate on all their tiny voices.
Dex is having a blast at school, and can write his name, and spell it. I am going to start teaching him more with reading and writing now. He seems to be interested. As long as Baby Wren doesn't interfere...she likes to manipulate our time. If Dex comes and sits on my lap, she FLIPS out. Scream-central. She will try grabbing at me around his body. It's comical. Basically, she needs to be with Derrick so that I can cuddle with Dex, or do anything at all with Dex! (or napping)
As for us, we are super busy, ALL THE TIME. I am still doing photography on the side. It's so damn fun, I just have to. Between work, allergy shots, chiro appointments, photography, hair salon, (going back to the gym in sept)...I am not sure how it will all go down.... Should be interesting!
We are excited for two out of state weddings in Sept! NO KIDS! YIPPEE! It's like our friends getting married, gave US a gift! Thanks guys! xoxo