Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Friday, May 10, 2013

It's hard to get mad at these faces...

My children are growing so fast! Look at them! Cute as heck, right?! 
Our household is never boring, that is for sure...Whether Dex is pushing Wren over, or Wren is crawling away from me with poop coming outta her's always a choose your own adventure book.
Wren is already almost walking. She walks along the furniture, and stands by herself for a short period of time. Derrick saw her take a daring step toward something the other day. I guess she grabbed on to a chair pretty quickly. Little Miss can say Mama and Dada...and some other babble. I don't bother with baby sign language because Dex spoke almost outta the womb, and Wren just grunts at I know what she wants. I think she will be a talker, too. I figure I know she wants "more" if she starts freaking out when I stop giving her cheerios or whatever food. Language is language, right? Our challenge with Wren is, the dreaded diaper change. I just try to avoid it at all costs...but I know I have to change her frequently. I just never know what wrestling maneuver she is going to pull. Basically, we have adjusted to changing her while standing up, which has resulted in many a pee on the carpet incidents...say wha? You try changing her! I dare you. She will do a professional back bend, and walk on her hands backwards like in the exorcist movies. No joke. Besides that..she is a perfect angel. She also now sleeps.(sometimes still wakes up, but not often like she used to) 

Wrens favorite past times include: clapping, waving, eating my face, screaming for more water out of my cup, stealing her brothers toys, making extremely cute faces, scratching the furniture with her talons(she likes the sound of her nails on leather/fabric...sorta like our cats, do), crawling away from me when I need to pick her up, laughing at mommy and daddy, playing in the tub, eating ANYTHING, putting her forehead on other peoples foreheads and snuggling in, gnawing on my knees, screaming wars,not getting dressed, and she loves everything Dexter.

Dexter is a handful these days. Cocky, doesn't listen, offers up ideas that I am not down with, manipulates, despises his sister, laughs at authority, frequents the time out corner, whines, runs from us, thinks he can just go outside alone...I sometimes picture him saying F*@# the Police, in his head....

I guess the terrible threes are in full affect. It's just draining! He is actually an easy kid minus all that! lol. He is my favorite grocery shopping buddy. He always remembers to remind me to get milk, cheese, and yogurt. He will always go to Spoonlickers with me, because all my friends are too healthy to go. haha. For my bday he made me a necklace and key chain at school. That was so cool! It's weird when they start giving you stuff. I need to get something to save all this stuff in, like my mom did for me. I hate to throw this stuff out!

Derrick got him this awesome dune buggy power wheels. The kid is already a race car driver. He is good! He can back up and turn better than I can! (no jokes, please...I know I can't drive)

Here is a pic of him in all his glory. The true "Damien"............

I'm tired, peace out.