Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy almost 7 months!

My Little Lady is almost 7 months! Sleep is finally on the horizon. She has only been getting up twice the last few days, granted I have been up all night coughing. She is a super happy baby, and is eating like a PIG! 3 #2 foods a day. She screams for more. I think she will be ready for some puffs soon, she keeps wanting my food and grabbing it outta my hands. My little gal is sitting up for longer periods of time, and really enjoying books! I think she likes them more than Dexter did. She loves to hear me read to her, and is all smiles. 
I was walking around the mall with her on my hip, and she was smiling at everyone walking by, and everyone loved her. She is a warm little spirit, and a lovey dovey girl. My latest thing with her is not realizing when she is grabbing for items. I will walk past the counter, and she will have knocked everything over, or she will have random items in her hand. The weirdest thing I found her holding was a bag of deli meat. I was like, "what the?" Just grabbed it off the counter before I could put it in the fridge. I guess she was helping.

I sometimes find Dexter and Wren laughing together, so things are looking up. He still isn't overly excited about her, but I keep telling him, that once she starts crawling, she can chase him. He is pretty pumped for that. He loves the "chase you" game. He hasn't been too evil about her lately. He brings toys to her, and kisses her head when we make him, lol.

I am getting used to Dex being in "school". I keep forgetting they do things like Valentines Day parties, etc. I am learning I can go to these things with him, and participate. It's fun to see him with all the kids since I am usually not there. I am learning his class mates names, and getting to know a few parents.
 It's just a little nerve wracking when I enter the door, since usually the kids come up to me and say, "Dexter hit us with a toy!" or "He's mean, I don't wanna play with him!" (Dear god, this is already happening) The teacher assures me this is normal 3 year old stuff, but I'm hoping he starts to make friends. When I was there I made sure to ask Dex the childrens names, and to say thank you and please, and to share his toys, etc. He always mentions one little boy, Brody, so maybe I can get a play date soon. Since we have all been sick for like three months I haven't had him really out much with other kids. I am going to be better about it now, and especially since we are getting more of a sleep routine with Wren, and feeling better. 

We did just take Dex bowling for the first time, and that was precious. Little cousin Wes came along. It's fun showing kids new activities. Dex and I also had a date at the library, and got to go to lunch this week. He is super fun to hang out with. He is so good outside of the house. I don't have issues with him at stores, etc. He is just helpful. He only wears underwear and hasn't wet the bed in a month or more. He even gets up to pee in our bathroom so he doesn't wake the baby.

 My viral infection is clearing up, I think. I have my inhaler, and steroid pills....after the antibiotic didn't help. They thought it might have been bacterial, obviously, not. The breathing treatment at the med center was pretty great. Derrick took the kids while I napped for three hours. I must have been in a deep sleep because I woke up in that sweaty hair type of state. Maybe I sweat the germs out. This inhaler thing is amazing, I might add. It's so wonderful!! I am just bummed I couldn't try out my new shoes Derrick got for me!! They are some sweet cross trainers. They felt great, and I am hoping to fix the ouchy shin issues from my Body Combat classes. All that jumping around in Old Navy work out shoes was not very smart. I am shooting for tomorrow, though! I actually LIKE working out, ha ha, now if I can just go and not let this sickness keep me down!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look how cute and pink these are??

Also excitedly waiting for a client/friend to deliver me some shoes of hers! YAY friends!!

Catch ya on the healthy side!