Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What a year!

It's been a good one! This year we had our little girl, and life has fallen into a rhythm(that seems like it's spelled wrong...weird..anyway) now. It was a little rough in the beginning, but everyone said it would be. I finally love this little girl! It took awhile...with the colic...and not being able to spend time with Dex...and the flea infestation...and post par-tum....but we made it out alive!

Everyone is so busy these days, and I still have a few friends yet to meet our little one. She is a really happy baby now, but we are working on her sleeping longer than 3 hours at night in a stretch. It didn't help that she has had this massive cold, and has been only able to sleep on myself upright at night. Thank goodness for NOSE FRIDA! Yes, this looks disgusting. I almost vomited the first time I used it...but it doesn't get to YOUR mouth. LOL. I can't believe I didn't have this with Dexter. It is a life saver! Thank you, Heather!!

Dexter dislikes, Wren. There is no way around this currently. He is literally disgusted with her. He is so bothered by her drooling, or spitting up..that he can't even look at her without cringing. It's kinda sad! I mean..I know he is young..and he should hopefully move past this..but it still makes a momma sad. Any advice? Anyone else go through this? I sure hope he likes her at some point! All she wants to do is smile at him. It's so sweet! She is such a smiley little girl!

Wren is gonna be five months old soon, and she is in 6 month clothes. She holds her toys, grabs things, rolls over, scoots on her back, grabs her feet, puts her fingers in her mouth at all times, holds her bottle, eats cereal, has had peaches a few times already, loves to walk with help and stand, loves jumping, loves when we say "weeee-wooo!" or "boooogah!". I am pretty sure she understand the word "ba ba" because she gets all excited /or starts to cry for her food when I say it. She uses a paci, and is in size 2 diapers. I am going to start having her try more foods this week. She isn't the greatest with taking a spoon yet, but she is getting better. I put her on her tummy tonight to see if she would sleep longer..I know she will be ok..but it still worries me. I have already checked on her twice. I know she can roll over if she wants or move her head...but it's the what ifs...or if she is so zonked out and she is just face planted into the mattress...It's scary bein' a momma.

Mr. Dexter enjoyed his personalized Christmas. He had majority of the gifts. lol. He loves presents!! He is a little man now. He can basically take care of himself, right? Maybe he can babysit Wren. Hmmm.... He gets his food outta the fridge and everything. He is pretty cool. He loves his alone time still. He just likes to quietly watch a movie by himself with his blanky, Eyore, and snacks. It's pretty cute. Sometimes he even let's us join  him. He is wanting to go on a train and airplane we have some things in the works.

Our plans: I am planning on taking Dex with me to Texas to see my BF. (not boyfriend) That will be sometime in the fall. We are hoping to do a friend vacation in the spring.(Friends, please start planning that...) Derrick will be going on some ski trips..I hate cold/ I will not attend those Take me to SUN and SAND. We will be going to Great Wolf Lodge again with Wren this time, and hopefully some Grandparents. Also trying to hit up Vegas again if we have time/sitters! It's gonna be a busy one! Chicago trip if we can swing it..maybe take Dex on the train.We are also planning a huge family trip in 2014 for a Disney Cruise with all our fam members on both sides...cousins, etc...everyone. That should be awesome, if everyone can go! My bro and Mal are in charge of that! Get to it!

House plans: Fixing the roof is on the agenda, and repainting the hallways..gotta find a new color. Maybe painting our room. Finally getting some decor would be nice, too. Everything was sorta put on the back burner whilst creating our family. Time to get stuff done.

Hoping next year will be a blast!