Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Thursday, October 25, 2012

zombie brain

So, It's not even the fact that I don't have time to blog..It's that I can't get everything organized in my head to write down. With Dex I could quickly remember everything and type during his nap. Now, I have another child to watch, so I get to blog late at night when my brain goes blank from the long day.

Wren- She is almost 3 months old! She always seemed very good with her neck, and she has held it up for quite some time, now. She loves to sit facing you while you talk to her. She smiles all the time, and she did a little laugh the other day. (sounded like a squeak) The cutest thing is that you know when she has just fallen asleep, because she starts smiling like she heard something funny. She always passes out with a grin on her face! She has done this since we brought her home. The proof is in my pics.
 She has found her hands recently, and sorta tries grabbing at toys every now and then. Her colic went away after the first month, thank god! That sucked so bad. She is a happy little girl, now. Her baby acne also went away. I couldn't believe how quickly it left one day. She sleeps way better than Dexter ever did this early. She even has a routine. She goes down around 10pm, wakes around 2:30am to eat. Back to sleep, wakes around 5:30am to eat, back to sleep. Then wakes around 8 or 9am eats..and passes out again for a I actually get some time with Dex in the morning. She eats around 3-4 ounces of formula at a time, and she takes a paci only sometimes. Mostly she gags on it, unless she is super sleepy. I love that she is growing, because I can stick her in all these cute little outfits now! So much fun! Well, that is her in a nut shell.

(I tried having wren in our room, but it's hard because she sleeps in her bouncy still and our bed is so high up, it hurts my back to grab her, and it's hard to get comfortable to feed her... On the couch, I can literally just lean over while she is still in her seat, and feed her while I am in bed basically....since she is propped up, I don't even need to pick her up..she just falls back asleep. She does sleep in the bassinet sometimes, but if she has a bubble or something she will not settle on her back. She just gets irritated. She will, however, lay on her back sometimes..It's just hard to know when her tummy is ok. I can't lay her down soon after a bottle, though. Just waiting until she feels comfortable on her back, and then I can have the bassinet in our room, or she can sleep in her own room.)

Dex- He is a crazy man. He is so funny, but so frustrating at times. He has a mind of his own! Potty training is going well. He knows when to go, and how to go all by himself, but he gets so lazy, too. If he is busy, he will poop in his underwear. UGH. Gotta love toddlers. The other night when I was putting him to bed, I told him I was going to be sleeping on the couch again..He goes, "poor mommy" I laughed so hard.
Today he actually got up from his nap to pee, and that was pretty great to see!

We have decided to put him in daycare/preschool even though we have free daycare..because this kid gets so bored, and I feel terribly guilty about it. It's hard for my mom to keep him occupied and watch the baby while I am at work, so I figured if he was playing with kids all day and learning, he would love it! He had his first trial day last week, and things went great. He walked right in and said, "which way i go?" He sat right down and started playing dinosaurs with the other kids. He was there from 10am until 5pm. I knew he would be weird about the whole potty thing at first, and it turned out that he didn't have any accidents in his underwear, but that is because he didn't go potty the whole day! He was pretty busy playing and didn't really eat or drink much, so I know that was part of it...but I am pretty sure he must have held it as well. We will start his regular schedule of two days a week after his 3rd bday, which is Nov 4. This stuff costs $$$, but we  were going to have to pay for preschool anyway, so this is just that. He is going to Tutor Time, and they have a great curriculum, and they have food already there, too....I like that, so I don't have to pack anything! So nice!

He surprises us every day with how he speaks. He is a talking machine, and he explains things pretty darn well. We have gotten used to him now describing his dreams to us, but it's still pretty freaky. Sometimes he starts saying random stuff and I have to ask him, "are you talking about a dream?" Majority of his dreams he remembers, are that sucks. I swear he is being possessed sometimes...I mean what 3 year old has a monster take him down into hot black smoke?! FREAKY!! He reminded me of poltergeist when he said, "but mama, i came back! I was trying to get to mama!" ..................................!!!! I almost dragged him to a church that night. I swear.

Me- I am starting to feel a lot better with everything. I have my up and down days, but work and pilates, and getting out with friends really helps a lot. I don't feel like I am the normal every day mom who just gushes about their kids and wants to be with them every minute. I don't. I feel like I have my life back, with not having to be pregnant anymore, or think about when I am gonna be pregnant again, since I don't have to! I just want to live, and have fun! Of course I love my kids, but it has been a long time since I got to just think about myself, and not be a vessel. It makes me a calmer mom to be able to get out and still be me! I am very lucky that Derrick is so great, and we take turns getting out of the house. If he goes to the bar one night, then when he gets home, I get to go out, too! It works out pretty great. We go out together, too, when my mom can babysit. My babysitter has been coming over helping a lot to get used to Wren, and I am almost comfortable enough to leave her with both kids. I think a few more months, and she will be ready... Then I can go out with Derrick, more. For now my babysitter comes over and watches one of the kids while we can give attention to the other, and so I can get laundry done without any interference!

I didn't realize how hard it would be in the beginning, but it's for sure gotten easier. Luckily Dex didn't hate Wren, he just understands she is here to stay, and just does his own thing. He sometimes shows her a toy, or pats her head.

Us- Derrick and I are getting ready for our Vegas long weekend get-away! We are so excited!
It's sorta bittersweet because the last time we were there together we were visiting a friend, and he passed away just a  few months later from an accident. We had such an amazing time there with Johnny, and we will be thinking about him while we are there. :(  Seems like forever ago...