Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Long time no post

Must type fast! lol. There is so much to tell, and my mind is a blur. This post will be more all over the place than my usual ones.
First things first...Two kids = difficult. I will not lie. It is getting easier for sure, but I still am not 100% confident at my abilities just yet. Little lady is doing way better. She is still fussy/particular, but not like before. She just seriously wants to be held at all times, and bundled up in her pink blanky. I think it's her security blanket already.
Life has just pretty much started up again, since we haven't been living at our house for a few weeks since the flea scenario took place. We moved back in again, and everything is almost back to normal. Saw a flea in the basement again though, so the dang pest control guy has to come back a THIRD time!! UGH! My cats have been outside for weeks. SO SAD! We just don't want to risk anything until the fleas are for sure gone, and for sure all dead outside as well. Being in the house you don't see anything at all...just randomly one will be on the kids or something. Otherwise the only way we know they are still in the house is by looking at Dexters poor little body covered in bites...SO FRUSTRATING. They love him. He looks like he has chicken pox. It's ridiculous. We have vacuumed, laundered, bedding, stuffed times....we are exhausted! AND WE HAVE AN INFANT!'s been rough.
Thankfully our parents have helped numerous times, and we do get outta the house kid-less. We are just that type of couple that still need kid-free time. We take Dex out to tons of places all the time, but we enjoy our adult time as well. We make it a point to get out at least once a week if we can.
Dexter is still a toddler, so I think that sums it up in a nutshell! He is so dang fun, but I always have Wren in my arms, or feeding, or changing her, or calming her down, etc...She doesn't really nap in the day time as much anymore. I swear Dex slept all day long when he was her age, but I guess he was up a lot more in the night. Wren rocks at night. She has been sleeping 4 hour stretches at a time, and even a few 5 hour. I haven't had any issues with sleep so that is great, but I do wish I had a few stretches in the daytime to get some stuff done. It really just depends on the day.
I basically am always comparing Wren and Dex. Dex was just the best infant, ever. I hope this means Wren will be an easy toddler!
Wren- She is growing/plumping up, and eating more. She usually eats 3 ounces at feedings, but has been wanting more at times. She eats every 2-3 hours in the daytime. She is still wearing newborn clothes, but I can also put her in some 0-3 month. She loves to make the cutest sound, it sounds like "aaagooo"..and she says it slowly, so it makes it that much cuter. She has smiled a ton since almost day 1. She loves to be talked to in high pitched voices, and she stares me down all the time. Every time I feed her she watches my eyes, and she doesn't take her eyes off me when I am walking around the room, if she is in her bouncy seat. She startles easily which is funny. Basically, she does that thing where when you fall asleep, and you jump, as if you are falling in your dream. She does this a lot. She doesn't like heights or fast movements. Sometimes when I hold her she thinks I am going to drop her or something...she latches onto my hair like it's saving her life, or she grabs onto my shirt, or skin....with her little claw like nails....I do have scratches on my chest from her....When she is hungry, she freaks the heck out! If I can't get that bottle to her in time, she claws at me. Literally claws me!? ................
What else does she do...umm...nothing. She is a baby.
Onto Dex- Dex has been sleeping with Derrick in our room, because that was a "safe zone" from the fleas. We didn't know if he was getting bit in his room, or what. Soooooooo....they have been in there, and me on the couch with Wren. When I switch Wren to powder formula, I will move back into our room, and hopefully Dex will be back in his room in a few more days. Since Wren is on ready made formula, I have to run to the kitchen to get her bottle, which passes next to dexters room...and I don't want to bring a crying baby past his door. If I have the powder, all I do is quick dump it into a bottle next to the bed...I used to have water already in them ready to be mixed when I had Dex. I can't wait to get back into our room!
With this baby, I have done all the feedings at night, so Derrick can sleep well for work. With Dexter, we took turns...but his work is more crazy now, and I don't mind. If I really needed help at night, I would ask. Mostly I just need help in the daytime/when Derrick gets home from work. Derrick takes over a ton when he comes home. He plays with Dex for hours, and I take the baby, and then we swap.
We surely are still not used to this schedule, but we are working on it. We have been putting Dex to bed late because he is doing the nap thing, and we just don't get a chance to put him to bed earlier because Wren eats around 9, when he normally would go to bed...and then it takes her forever to finish her bottle...and by then, she needs to be rocked or whatever....then she finally falls asleep at 10pm...THEN we can get Dex in bed...
Once she is asleep, she has been sleeping until around 2am. So I usually go to bed around 11:45pm. So then I feed her around 2am...and then she usually will get up around 5-6am to eat again...and then again around 8-9am....then she usually naps for a few hours after that...So then Dex gets up around 8 or 9 am and I can usually get him settled...otherwise I am still feeding her, and he is looking at me with a sad face, and I have to tell him to wait....Sometimes I just have to stop feeding her and let her cry, and tend to him.
Us- Derrick and I are planning a long weekend to Vegas first weekend in Dec. This is sorta my trip..It's the "i have been pregnant on and off for over four years, and i deserve a dang trip to las vegas to let loose" We also hope to go to Great Wolf Lodge with the kids in October. We will see if we have time or not.

Ok, me tired. That's the gist.