Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Friday, June 22, 2012

34 weeks and completely ready.

Pregnancy. It's the most amazing thing ever, and some people handle it like a charm. I am not one of them, obviously. I am so ready to meet this little girl I can hardly contain myself. I want this baby OUT. I was not this antsy with Dexter. I am just so ready to not be pregnant again, and that doesn't mean I am not grateful, it just means, I am ready to just be comfortable again. This week has been my worst for being antsy, hormonal, upset, not knowing what to do to pass time...The only thing that kept me sane was my little sis Chelsea taking me out to dinner, and my two bf's Laurie and Lauren hanging out at Melting Pot..

We have been trying to keep busy and have fun outings, but I just can't keep my brain from being psycho. I am very blessed with my little family, and just can't wait to have it complete.

This is going to be the slowest month on earth, and I know once the baby comes I will be kicking myself from all that lack of sleep...but at least we would be moving forward!

Aside from my bitching, things are going so great at the salon. I am so happy with everyone their and how successful my stylists have been. They are the backbone to The Hair Co., and I couldn't be happier. It's a place I have a hard time leaving to come home now. I wish I could be there more, but it's not in the cards just yet. I will slowly add more hours when I can. It's a comfortable, safe haven for me, and I miss my girls when I am not there. They are like family.

Our clients couldn't be happier either. They have noticed what a great team we are, and they thrive on it, too.   I have no worries about leaving my clients in their capable hands. My stylists have been so attentive and they even watched me with all my clients to make sure they knew exactly what to do.

4-6 more weeks...I better get my overnight bag packed. Maybe that will keep me busy. I packed pretty great last time, but I think I will include some munchies for Derrick this time. Ya never know what time you will go into labor..and a hungry man under stress is no good..........................