Cottage Life

Cottage Life

Friday, May 27, 2011

I must manifest things to happen...

Well, I have gone and admitted it. I make stuff happen. When I was 15 I said I would own the salon one day. I made that happen. I said one day I won't be highly allergic to cats anymore, somehow that happened! I have been wanting family to move to MI my whole life, and guess what?? I have finally gotten that to happen, too! My cousin Erin will be moving to GR in the next few months (as long as her house in CA sells), and with that, I am assuming the rest of the family will follow shortly after. Muahahaha, my plan is coming into fruition! Carly, you know you are next! We can always call the salon Carshelles down the road. (just kidding staff, don't freak out!)

So, as everyone knows, I get the keys to my new salon June 1st. I am pretty much freaking out on the inside right now with excitement. FINALLY!!! I have been waiting a long time for this! I have known over a year that we were moving, and it has dragged on forever it seems. It is sort of like having a new child oddly enough. One never knows what hurdles will be encountered along the way! I am so thankful for all the staff and clients support. The stylists know how crazy I have been with trying to get everything situated, that they took on the role of getting everything ready for the grand re-opening, while I make sure we are for sure ready by June 7th, opening day. I couldn't ask for a more amazing staff. They are getting together to make signs/decorations, treats, and a raffle for everyone. Can you believe how awesome they are??

I am very lucky. It seems as though everything does happen for a reason. It took getting a new staff a few years ago, which was scary at the time for me..change can be scary, and it turned out so much better than expected. I have learned you have to have people on your team with the same vision, or else it just won't work. Our vision is basically to help others when help is needed, listen to our clients, make people feel good about themselves, and respect one another.

The new salon is not just my own touches. Every stylist had an opinion and hand in getting the new salon together. From paint colors, to stylist stations, from seating, to decor.....we all told each other what we would like to see! Get ready folks! It's finally going to be The Hair Co. now, not The Hair Co. from 30 years ago with 4 different owners taking over the same salon....hehe

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Funny little boy...

Dex is 18 months!! Seriously? A year and a half already? When did this occur? Well, let's update you all on what Dexter man is doing. He is for sure growing taller, but not gaining much weight right now. He is loving certain foods one day, and then hating them the next. This keeps me on my toes, and we end up wasting lots of food. He looks like he is five to me, I swear!

Words he is saying often are "bubbles, car, boat, mama, dada, papa, baba, kitty, doggy,up, boobs(yes i taught him this), mooooo, bzzzzzz, quack(sounds more like a scream), circle(sounds like kirkle),nana(banana),beie(belly), ball,eyes, hi, bye, vrooooom, cracker, pee-pee, poo-poo,cookie, water (wa-wa), nigh nigh(night night) and beep
He says what we say all the time now. It's amazing in the last
week all he has said. Derrick said "oh god" the other day while we were talking about a dumb person on the news, and Dex said "ooooh god". Sooooo, now we must be careful I guess, but I doubt we are ever going to remember. Ha! The pediatrician asked if he was combining words, and he has been lately. He says byebye mamma, and that is considered combining I guess.

Our little man has one obsession, and that right now is, Wa-wa. This kid is ridiculous. He now understands that water is not just in his cup. It is outside in our creek, it is on the grass in the morning, it is in the sink, in the tub, it comes out of our refrigerator door, it is on his toothbrush, and on tv. We have to push the lock button on our water dispenser because he knows how to fill his cup, but then he just dumps it on the floor. He watches us water the plants, so he now knows how to water the plants. We go
outside and he screams wa-wa, till we get to the creek, and then points and says wa-wa, over and over again. He picks up sticks and pokes at the water. He splashes in the water. He talks about it non-stop. He also has figured out flicking water from his toothbrush at me, and thinks that is pretty funny. NOT funny. We have one bathroom with a tub, the other two have we have to close the door and lock him out sometimes because he wants to be in that tub all the time. (funny how he is just like his parents! we both love baths)

Let's see, little man also hums to songs to pretend he is seeing along, which is really sweet. If I sing the ABC's, he sings his garbly talk while moving his head back and forth with the tune. He knows how to dance, and if you say "spin, spin a Dexter!" he spins in circles..(yes I treat him like a dog at times) . He can locate your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, bellybutton, hands, feet, head, hair, tongue,etc.....when asked. He is fascinated with one body part, I need not mention. He just wants to always make sure he knows we see it, and how cool it is. He points with a funny grin.

He is obsessed with being outside, as all kids are, but he will have a tantrum if you try to take him inside when he is not ready. His tantrums luckily don't last too long, since he has such a short attention span. I have been doing the stern voice, saying "1", "2", and he doesn't want me to get to "3", or his fun will end. The funny part is that he makes fun of me. When I say "1", he knows he needs to stop being nau
ghty, so he puts whatever was in his hands down, and mocks me by putting one finger up on each hand and instead of saying "1", it's more the tone of my voice he copies, he puts both fingers up with a grin, and goes "uuuuhhhH", and then I say "2", and he puts his fingers up again, and goes "ooooooooH"...he is a riot, huh? funny, funny little guy, NOT!

I don't enjoy taking him to restaurants because then Derrick and I can't really relax. Dex doesn't eat very much, so he wants to get up and run around. Therefor, we don't get to eat, but rather, go on a chase...Soooo, that isn't too fun. He will be good sometimes, but ya never know what will occur!

Grocery shopping is actually more enjoyable with Dex because he makes it way more fun. I hate shopping at Meijer, but with Dex, Derrick and I show him everything, and Dex pushes the cart, and he says hi to everyone. It's pretty cool, and cashiers usually end up giving him a balloon when he bats the baby blues at them.